金属热处理 ›› 2024, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (11): 320-324.DOI: 10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2024.11.050

• 测试与分析 • 上一篇    


汤恒, 李国强, 徐洋洋, 邓江勇   

  1. 广西防城港核电有限公司, 广西 防城港 538001
  • 收稿日期:2024-06-11 修回日期:2024-08-30 出版日期:2024-11-25 发布日期:2025-01-09
  • 作者简介:汤 恒(1989—),男,高级工程师,主要研究方向为核电厂关键金属部件寿命评估及失效分析,E-mail:875850536@qq.com

Failure analysis of gear cracking of containment isolation valve for a nuclear power plant

Tang Heng, Li Guoqiang, Xu Yangyang, Deng Jiangyong   

  1. Guangxi Fangchenggang Nuclear Power Co., Ltd., Fangchenggang Guangxi 538001, China
  • Received:2024-06-11 Revised:2024-08-30 Online:2024-11-25 Published:2025-01-09

摘要: 某核电厂机组调试期间,安全壳隔离阀未按预期关闭,解体阀门检查发现齿轮轴齿轮表面存在裂纹。通过宏观检查、化学成分分析、金相检验、硬度测试等方法分析阀门齿轮失效的原因。结果表明:裂纹为淬火裂纹,在齿根与齿轮轴外边缘过渡处产生,齿根圆角过渡处存在明显的粗糙加工刀痕;齿轮区整体硬度过高,全齿淬硬,不满足JB/T 6395—2010要求。分析认为裂纹的产生主要与热处理工艺方法选用错误及热处理工艺控制不当有关,齿根圆角过渡处存在明显的粗糙加工刀痕为裂纹产生的促成因素。

关键词: 安全壳隔离阀, 齿轮, 开裂, 热处理

Abstract: During the commissioning period of a nuclear power plant unit, the containment isolation valve did not close as expected. Upon disassembling the valve and inspecting it, it was found that there were cracks on the surface of gear shaft gear. The causes of valve gear cracking were analyzed by means of macroscopic inspection, chemical composition analysis, metallographic examination and hardness testing. The results show that the cracks are quenching cracks, which occur at the transition point between the tooth root and the outer edge of the gear shaft, and there are obvious rough machining tool marks at the transition point of the tooth root fillet. Due to the overall high hardness of the gear area and the hardening of all teeth, it does not meet the requirements of JB/T 6395-2010. The analysis suggests that the occurrence of cracks is mainly related to the incorrect selection of heat treatment methods and improper control of heat treatment processes. The obvious rough machining tool marks at the transition of the tooth root fillet are the contributing factors to the occurrence of cracks.

Key words: containment isolation valve, gear, cracking, heat treatment
