金属热处理 ›› 2022, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (11): 271-275.DOI: 10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2022.11.046

• 失效分析 • 上一篇    


许鸿翔1, 王红伟1, 蒲江涌2, 赵少甫1, 陈生超1, 戎泽玉1   

  1. 1.郑州机械研究所有限公司, 河南 郑州 450001;
    2.宝鸡石油机械有限公司, 陕西 宝鸡 721002
  • 收稿日期:2022-06-17 修回日期:2022-09-13 出版日期:2022-11-25 发布日期:2023-01-04
  • 通讯作者: 王红伟,高级工程师,E-mail:whw91@sina.com
  • 作者简介:许鸿翔(1979—),男,高级工程师,主要研究方向为金属材料及热处理工艺,E-mail:13838005005@163.com。
  • 基金资助:

Detection and analysis of grinding burns of 20Cr2Ni4 steel carburized and quenched spiral bevel gears

Xu Hongxiang1, Wang Hongwei1, Pu Jiangyong2, Zhao Shaofu1, Chen Shengchao1, Rong Zeyu1   

  1. 1. Zhengzhou Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering Co., Ltd., Zhengzhou Henan 450001, China;
    2. Baoji Oilfield Machinery Co., Ltd., Baoji Shaanxi 721002, China
  • Received:2022-06-17 Revised:2022-09-13 Online:2022-11-25 Published:2023-01-04

摘要: 针对20Cr2Ni4钢弧齿锥齿轮渗碳淬火磨齿后出现的齿面裂纹,采用光学显微镜和显微硬度计分别对切割齿块的未开裂齿面(凹面)和开裂齿面(凸面)进行了检测分析。结果表明,在齿块未开裂齿面和开裂齿面远离裂纹的节圆处,有效硬化层深度和显微组织正常,无磨削烧伤特征;在齿根处均出现了不同程度的磨削烧伤特征,尤其在开裂齿面裂纹处呈现典型的月牙形白加黑磨削烧伤形貌,烧伤最深处约0.9 mm,并据此提出了改进磨齿工艺参数,避免发生磨削烧伤的措施。

关键词: 20Cr2Ni4钢, 弧齿锥齿轮, 渗碳淬火, 开裂齿面, 磨削烧伤

Abstract: Aiming at the cracks on the tooth surface of 20Cr2Ni4 steel spiral bevel gear after carburizing, quenching and grinding,the uncracked tooth surface(concave) and cracked tooth surface(convex) of the cutting tooth block were measured by using optical microscope and microhardness tester. The results show that the effective hardened layer depth and microstructure at the pitch circle of the uncracked tooth surface and cracked tooth surface away from the crack of the tooth block are normal, and there is no grinding burn characteristics. There are different degrees of grinding burn characteristics at the tooth root, especially in the cracks of the cracked tooth surface, the crescent-shaped white and black grinding burn morphology, the deepest part of the burn is about 0.9 mm, and the improved grinding process parameters are put forward to avoid grinding burn.

Key words: 20Cr2Ni4 steel, spiral bevel gear, carburizing and quenching, cracked tooth surface, grinding burn
