Heat Treatment of Metals ›› 2023, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (10): 260-265.DOI: 10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2023.10.040

• SURFACE ENGINEERING • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Effects of WC content and heat treatment on microstructure and properties of WC-Fe60 clad layer

Gao Feng, Xue Ruilei, Man Jiao, Weng Yiqing, Zhou Jianping   

  1. School of Mechanical Engineering, Xinjiang University, Urumqi Xinjiang 830017, China
  • Received:2023-04-06 Revised:2023-07-28 Online:2023-10-25 Published:2023-12-07

Abstract: WC-Fe60 composite clad layers with WC (mass fraction of 0, 10% and 20%) were prepared on the surface of 20 steel by laser cladding technology. The 20%WC-Fe60 clad layer was heat treated at 600 ℃ and 800 ℃, respectively. And the effects of WC content and heat treatment on microstructure and properties of the WC-Fe60 clad layer were studied. The results show that the microstructure of the laser cladding WC-Fe60 composite clad layer is mainly composed of dendrites and equiaxed grains. With the increase of WC content, the number of dendrites in the clad layer decreases significantly, while the number of equiaxed crystals increases. The microhardness and wear resistance of the clad layer gradually improve, but the corrosion resistance decreases. After heat treatment, the microstructure of the 20%WC-Fe60 clad layer is smaller than that without heat treatment, and the microhardness, wear resistance and corrosion resistance are greatly improved. Among them, the clad layer after heat treatment at 600 ℃ obtains the best wear and corrosion resistance.

Key words: WC-Fe60 clad layer, WC particles, heat treatment, microstructure, wear resistance, corrosion resistance

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