Heat Treatment of Metals ›› 2024, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (12): 78-84.DOI: 10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2024.12.013

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Effect of pulse electromagnetic treatment on mechanical properties of 42CrMo steel

Dong Jinbo1, Chen Zhi1,2, Tang Liang1, Yuan Haifang2, Zhang Lina3   

  1. 1. School of Mechanical Engineering, Taiyuan University of Science and Technology,Taiyuan Shanxi 030024, China;
    2. Aili Technology Research Institute (Shanxi) Co., Ltd., Taiyuan Shanxi 030024, China;
    3. Shanxi Aerospace Tsinghua Equipment Co., Ltd., Changzhi Shanxi 046012, China
  • Received:2024-05-30 Revised:2024-09-20 Online:2024-12-25 Published:2025-02-05

Abstract: Pulsed electromagnetic treatment was added on basis of the conventional heat treatment of 42CrMo steel, and two processes of magnetization followed by tempering and tempering followed by magnetization were used to study the effects of different processes on the wear resistance, hardness, impact properties and tensile properties of the 42CrMo steel. The results show that compared with the conventional heat treatment, the wear resistance and hardness of the 42CrMo steel by pulsed electromagnetic treatment are improved in different degrees, in which the optimal group of magnetization followed by tempering, the wear mass loss is reduced by 0.0031 g and the hardness is improved by 1.8 HRC compared with the conventional heat treatment; and in the optimal group of tempering followed by magnetization, the wear mass loss is reduced by 0.0027 g and hardness is improved by 2.5 HRC. Their impact properties are significantly reduced, and the tensile strength and elongation don't change significantly. Among them, the specimens with magnetization followed by tempering have better abrasion resistance with a maximum increase of 64.5%, and the specimens with tempering followed by magnetization have better hardness with a maximum increase of 6.6%.

Key words: 42CrMo alloy steel, pulse electromagnetic, mechanical properties, microstructure

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