
Current Issue

    Research progress of FeMnCoCr metastable high-entropy alloys
    Gao Tianyu, Qiao Junwei, Wu Yucheng
    2021, 46(4):  1-8.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.04.001
    Abstract ( 208 )   PDF (747KB) ( 208 )  
    High entropy alloy is a new type of atom-ordered and chemically disordered alloy with multi-principal elements, which can obtain outstanding comprehensive mechanical properties, because that by changing the type and concentration of alloying elements, the stacking fault energy and phase stability of alloys can be controlled, then inducing deformation twins, martensitic transformation and other plastic deformation mechanisms. The design concept of such high entropy alloys is called “metastable engineering”, and the microstructure, phase structures and deformation mechanisms of high entropy alloys are closely related to stacking fault energy of the alloy system. For the FeMnCoCr system, the phase stability of face-centered cubic structure decreases with the decreasing of stacking fault energy, and so the interface hardening and the transformation induced hardening (γ→ε) are introduced, improving the strength and plasticity of the alloy simultaneously. The composition design, preparation and processing method, microstructures and mechanical properties of the FeMnCoCr metastable high entropy alloys are reviewed here, and its future research direction is prospected.
    Carbide precipitation behavior and its effect on recrystallization in Ti microalloyed non-quenched and tempered steel
    Liu Jie, Xu Le, He Xiaofei, Li Xiaoyuan, Wang Maoqiu
    2021, 46(4):  9-15.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.04.002
    Abstract ( 117 )   PDF (605KB) ( 75 )  
    Austenite dynamic recrystallization behaviors of Ti microalloyed non-quenched and tempered steels were studied by Gleeble-3800 thermal simulation machine with deformation temperature of 850-1200 ℃ and strain rate of 0.1-10 s-1. The influences of deformation temperature, deformation rate, and precipitation behavior of carbonitrides on the dynamic recrystallization of austenite were analyzed, the activation energy of dynamic recrystallization was calculated, and the dynamic recrystallization state diagrams and processing maps were obtained. The results show that with the Ti content increasing from 0 to 0.042% and 0.063%, the carbonitride precipitation amount in the steels is 0, 0.040 % and 0.038 %, respectively, showing a trend of increasing at first and then decreasing. The corresponding activation energy of dynamic recrystallization of the tested steels is 360.218, 394.015 and 378.247 kJ/mol, respectively, and that with 0.042% Ti is the highest. The processing maps obtained by superposition of power dissipation diagram and plastic instability diagram show that, the optimal thermal processing ranges of the Ti microalloyed non-quenched and tempered steels are the deformation temperature of 900-1050 ℃ with the deformation rate of 0.1-0.2 s-1, and the deformation temperature of 1100-1200 ℃ with the deformation rate of 0.1-4 s-1.
    CoSn2→CoSn4 phase transformation of Sn-Co alloy during heat treatment
    Lü Guanchen, Liang Wenlei, Suo Yusong, Li Lei
    2021, 46(4):  16-19.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.04.003
    Abstract ( 92 )   PDF (609KB) ( 55 )  
    Phase transformation products and morphologies of the original CoSn2 phase in Sn-1.3wt%Co alloy which was heat treated at 215 ℃ for 5, 10, 15 min and water quenched respectively were studied by means of OM, SEM and EDS. The results show that CoSn2→CoSn4 phase transformation occurs due to the heat treatment. The original CoSn2 phase is partially dissolved and the position of resulting CoSn4 phase is somewhat expanded relative to that of the original CoSn2 phase. The similarity of crystal structure and atomic arrangement of the two phases are the important reasons for the transformation of CoSn2 phase into CoSn4 phase.
    Alloying mode and microstructure control of ultra-high strength steels for automobile
    Liang Jingyu, Shi Zengmin, Xie Hao, Deng Lichengui, Li Guangyu, Dai Lei
    2021, 46(4):  20-25.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.04.004
    Abstract ( 157 )   PDF (609KB) ( 96 )  
    Ultra-high strength steels (UHSS) are widely applied in the automobile industry by the excellent strength, ductility and toughness. The alloying modes and strengthening mechanism of ultra-high strength steels for automobile were introduced in detail. And the plasticizing effect of microstructure generated by the austenite and its phase transformation, and the regulation method of microstructure were elucidated in detail.
    Effect of Fe content on mechanical properties and microstructure of as-cast Al-Fe alloy
    Zheng Wenyue, Chen Qingyin, Hong Jing, Hou Jiapeng, Wang Qiang, Zhang Zhefeng
    2021, 46(4):  26-29.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.04.005
    Abstract ( 89 )   PDF (604KB) ( 64 )  
    Effect of Fe content on mechanical properties and microstructure of as-cast Al-Fe alloy was studied by tensile testing machine, optical microscope, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffracter and three-dimensional nano-X-ray microscope. The results show that with the increase of Fe content, the tensile strength and yield strength of as-cast Al-Fe alloy increase, while the elongation decreases. A large number of spherical precipitates of Al6Fe and rod-shaped precipitates of Al3Fe are distributed near the grain boundary of the tested alloy ingots. Compared with the as-cast Al-1.8Fe alloy, the as-cast Al-2.6Fe alloy has finer grains and larger size precipitates of Al3Fe. And the finer grains lead to the higher strength of as-cast Al-2.6Fe alloy than that of as-cast Al-1.8Fe alloy. The main reason for the lower elongation of as-cast Al-2.6Fe alloy is the larger size of brittle precipitate of Al3Fe.
    Mechanical properties and wear behavior of W-Mo-V modified H13 tool steel
    Yang Chengkang, Cheng Xiaonong, Zhang Jie, Ju Yulin, Luo Rui, Ding Hengnan
    2021, 46(4):  30-36.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.04.006
    Abstract ( 241 )   PDF (606KB) ( 39 )  
    Microstructure, mechanical properties and wear behavior of an independently developed W-Mo-V modified H13 die steel (indicated as HBJ3 steel) after tempering at 500, 550 and 600 ℃ were studied and compared with H13 steel. The results show that the hardness and tensile strength of the HBJ3 steel after tempering at 600 ℃ are obviously increased compared with that of the H13 steel. After tempered at 500, 550 and 600 ℃, the friction coefficient and wear rate of the HBJ3 steel are all lower than those of the H13 steel, in which the wear rate is decreased by 38%, 58% and 64%, respectively. The wear mechanism of the HBJ3 steel is mainly oxidation wear and abrasive wear, while the H13 steel also has the mechanism of peeling wear.
    Effect of simulated fire temperature on microstructure and anti-seismic performance of Q460FRW steel
    Dai Zhongwei, He Yizhu, Du Xiaojie
    2021, 46(4):  37-41.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.04.007
    Abstract ( 76 )   PDF (608KB) ( 31 )  
    In order to study the anti-seismic performance of Q460FRW steel in fire as a disaster, six groups of thermal insulation tests in the range of 250-650 ℃ were conducted on the tested steel, and the microstructure, tensile fracture morphologies and tensile properties at room temperature of the tested steel after insulation test in fire were studied. The results show that the microstructure of the specimens in TMCP state is granular bainite. With the increase of holding temperature, the ferrite matrix in granular bainite continues to grow, the martensitic/austenitic (M/A) components gradually decompose and change from a polygonal island to a lamellar structure. The yield strength and tensile strength both increase first and then decrease with the increase of holding temperature, the yield ratio gradually increases, the plasticity and the anti-seismic performance continues to decline. When the temperature is lower than 550 ℃ and the duration in fire is less than 1 h, the anti-seismic performance of the tested steel can still meet the requirements of the standard GB/T 19879—2015 and GB/T 28415—2012 for high-performance building steel and fire-resistant steel.
    Effect of heat treatment process on microstructure and corrosion resistance of 7%Cr steel
    Gu Yang, Song Shuai, Wu Huibin, Zhang Zhihui, Zhang Pengcheng
    2021, 46(4):  42-48.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.04.008
    Abstract ( 114 )   PDF (604KB) ( 59 )  
    Corrosion behavior of 7%Cr steel with three different types of microstructure in CO2 environment was tested by mass loss method and electrochemical method.The reasons for the difference of corrosion resistance caused by microstructure type were analyzed from grain boundary and surface potentialby by means of electron back-scattered diffraction and scanning Kelvin probe microcope. The results show that the microstructure of the rolled 7%Cr steel is composed of bainite+ferrite, the quenched sample is composed of quenched martensite, and the normalized sample is composed of ferrite+a small amount of pearlite. The order of corrosion resistance of the tested steel is quenched>normalized>rolled, and the enrichment degree of Cr element in the product film of the tested steel and the self-corrosion potential of its polarization curve are consistent with this law, while the maximum potential difference on the surface of the sample is opposite. The existing potential difference between the two phases in the rolled sample is easy to form a galvanic cell; the Cr element in the quenched sample can quickly diffuse through the grain boundary to the corrosion position to form a product film; the free Cr in the normalized sample is less and the high proportion of high-angle grain boundary is not conducive to its diffusion to the corrosion interface.
    Microstructure, properties and T6 heat treatment process optimization for wire arc additive manufacturing ER2319 aluminum deposited metals
    Yu Runzhen, Zhao Feng, Yu Shengfu, Li Yongjie, Tang Lun
    2021, 46(4):  49-59.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.04.009
    Abstract ( 82 )   PDF (609KB) ( 38 )  
    Effects of T6 heat-treatment process on microstructure and properties of ER2319 deposited metals fabricated by wire arc additive manufacturing were studied through orthogonal experiments, optical microscope, SEM and TEM. The mathematical model of tensile strength variation with the T6 heat-treatment process parameters of deposited metals was obtained through multiple linear regression, and the mechanism of microstructure evolution was also analyzed. The results show that the saliency order of T6 heat-treatment process parameters on the mechanical properties of deposited metal is as following: aging time>aging temperature>solid-solution time>solid-solution temperature. The optimized process parameters of T6 heat-treatment obtained based on the strength variation model are as follows: solid-solution treatment temperature and time of 538 ℃ and 42 min, aging temperature and time of 185 ℃ and 23 h, which make the tensile strength of deposited metals be up about 48.4% than that before heat treatment. The increase of solid-solution treatment temperature from 538 ℃ to 553 ℃, or the increase of solid-solution treatment time from 42 min to 82 min, both will lead to the remarkable coarsening of α-Al grains and severe overburning at the local grain boundary. And with the increase of solid-solution treatment time, the second phase θ-Al2Cu is coarsened and the amount is decreased, which result in poorer mechanical properties. But the increase of aging temperature or aging time can enhance the driving force of precipitation for nano metastable phases θ′-Al2Cu and θ″-Al2Cu, which can significantly improve the effect of precipitation-strengthening.
    High-temperature oxidation behavior of Fe-Cr-Al electrothermal alloy
    Liu Wei, Shao Xinming, Ji Yonghua, Xu Wanjian, Chen Jie, Wang Shuping
    2021, 46(4):  60-64.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.04.010
    Abstract ( 72 )   PDF (618KB) ( 33 )  
    Oxidation mass gain test was conducted for Fe-Cr-Al electrothermal alloy 0Cr25Al5 at 950, 1050 and 1150 ℃, respectively. The results show that the alloy belongs to the complete oxidation resistance class at 950 ℃ and oxidation resistance class at 1050 ℃. When oxidized at 1150 ℃ for more than 40 h, the oxidation resistance of the alloy is greatly reduced because of the voids appear in the oxide film of the alloy due to the evaporation of Cr2O3. The XRD analysis result shows that the oxide film on the alloy surface is mainly composed of TiO2, Al2O3 and FeCr2O4.
    Microstructure, properties and surface quality of Q550D V-N-microalloyed steel extra heavy plate
    Ma Heng, Huo Xiaoxin, Wu Hongyan, Gao Xiuhua, Du Linxiu
    2021, 46(4):  65-69.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.04.011
    Abstract ( 88 )   PDF (607KB) ( 44 )  
    Effect of controlled rolling and controlled cooling process on microstructure and properties of 50 mm thick V-N-microalloyed steel plate produced in industrial trial production was studied by means of OM, SEM,TEM and tensile tester. The results show that the microstructure of the steel is composed of acicular ferrite, polygonal ferrite and a small amount of granular bainite when the final cooling temperature is 630 ℃, and V(C, N) precipitated particles are observed. The yield strength of the middle part of the steel is 599 MPa, elongation is 20%, and -20 ℃ impact absorbed energy is 199 J. The results show that the surface quality of the plate is improved obviously by decreasing the content of Al in the steel.
    Effect of annealing holding time on microstructure and mechanical properties of 5083 aluminum alloy under ultra-rapid heating annealing
    Ding Haochen, Zhao Yanjun, Su Yuanming, Wang Xie, Nan Quanhui, Chou Cheng, Feng Yijie
    2021, 46(4):  70-76.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.04.012
    Abstract ( 82 )   PDF (610KB) ( 30 )  
    Microstructure evolution of 5083 aluminum alloy during ultra-rapid annealing was studied by means of Gleeble-3500 thermal simulation system and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) technology. When the 5083 aluminum alloy with cold deformation of 80% was heated to 450 ℃ with heating rate of 500 ℃/s, the effect of annealing holding time (1-60 s, cooling rate of 40 ℃/s) on microstructure and mechanical properties was discussed. The results show that with the increase of annealing holding time from 1 s to 60 s, the average grain size of 5083 aluminum alloy increases from 4.94 μm to 6.44 μm, and the recrystallization textures in 5083 aluminum alloy consist of cube annealed texture of {001}<100>, rotation cube texture of {001}<110>, Gauss texture of {011}<100> and brass texture of {011}<211>. When the annealing holding time increases from 1 s to 60 s, on the whole, recrystallization textures in the alloy present a trend of increasing first and then decreasing, also the annealing holding time has little effect on strength of 5083 aluminum alloy, the yield strength and tensile strength of the 5083 aluminum alloy are about 170 MPa and 326 MPa, respectively. But the elongation of the 5083 aluminum alloy first increases from 25.63% to 30.06% and then decreases to 25.20%.
    Effect of annealing temperature on microstructure and tensile properties of Fe-Mn-Al-C steel
    Li Ye, Xia Pengcheng, Xie Kun, Cao Meiqing, Tan Yunliang, Jin Xiaolong
    2021, 46(4):  77-82.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.04.013
    Abstract ( 100 )   PDF (604KB) ( 57 )  
    Effect of annealing temperature on microstructure and properties of Fe-19Mn-2Al-0.6C steel was investigated by means of OM, SEM, TEM and tensile testing. The results show that after annealing, the matrix structure of the tested steel is austenite. Due to the different completeness of recovery and recrystallization, the grain size decreases first and then increases with the increase of annealing temperature. Meanwhile, the amount of annealing twins gradually increases, the ultimate tensile strength of the steel continues to decrease, but the total elongation increases first and then decreases. When a certain external load is applied to the steel, a large amount of deformation twins and dislocations will be generated during the deformation. The tangle and pile-up of high-density dislocation at grain boundaries or twin-boundaries can hinder the further movement of dislocations remarkably. The dynamic Hall-Petch effect generated by the intersecting of primary twins and secondary twins, and the interaction of dislocations and twins, together result in a high work hardening capacity of the tested steel. The optimized annealing temperature for Fe-19Mn-2Al-0.6C steel is about 900 ℃, at which the best comprehensive mechanical properties can be obtained, with the tensile strength, the strength-ductility balance, and the elongation being 947.61 MPa, 49.30 GPa·% and 52.03%, respectively.
    Effect of nitride carbonize and oxidize multi-treatment (QPQ) on microstructure and properties of MPS700A steel
    Pan Hongji, Luo Defu, Chen Shengyi
    2021, 46(4):  83-87.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.04.014
    Abstract ( 88 )   PDF (664KB) ( 52 )  
    Corrosion resistant and heat resistant stainless steel MPS700A steel was surface modified by nitride carbonize and oxidize multi-treatment(QPQ) technology, and then the salt bath nitrocarburizing tests were conducted at 450-500 ℃ for 5 h and 550-570 ℃ for 3 h respectively, both with the oxidation treatment process at 400 ℃ for 30 min. Then the surface morphologies, surface hardness, brittleness and wear resistance of the QPQ treated specimens were analyzed. The results show that the QPQ treated layer is mainly composed of oxide film, loose layer, compound layer and diffusion layer, and the hardness of the QPQ specimens is obviously improved. The hardness values of the specimens nitrocarburized respectively at 490 ℃ and 550 ℃ are the highest in the low and the high temperature ranges, respectively being 1295 HV0.1 and 1344 HV0.1, i.e., 3.75 and 3.90 times of that of the matrix steel. The QPQ treated layers have fine, uniform and compact microstructures, and have low brittleness, good wear resistance, and better high temperature friction and wear performance than that of the bare steel, especially above 500 ℃. Compared with that at 550 ℃, the QPQ specimen nitrocarburized at 490 ℃ in salt bath has lower brittleness and better high temperature friction and wear performance.
    Effect of quenching temperature on microstructure and mechanical properties of gear steel C64
    Liang Xiaodong, Ju Zhe, Liu Ji, Wang Chenchong, Wang Xu
    2021, 46(4):  88-94.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.04.015
    Abstract ( 81 )   PDF (609KB) ( 52 )  
    Changes of microstructure and mechanical properties of C64 steel during quenching at different temperatures were studied by means of hardness, tensile and impact tests, and with optical microscope (OM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). The results show that when the quenching temperature is lower than 950 ℃, the lath martensite in the microstructure of the tested steel C64 is relatively fine, but when higher than 950 ℃, the lath martensite grows dramatically. With quenching temperature increasing, the carbides dissolve gradually until dissolve almost completely at 950 ℃; the strength and hardness of the steel tend to decrease, while the elongation, percentage reduction of area and impact absorbed energy of the steel tend to increase first and then decrease and reach their maximum values at 950 ℃. The optimum quenching temperature of the tested steel is 950 ℃, at which uniform and fine lath martensite can be obtained; the tensile strength, yield strength, elongation, percentage reduction of area, and impact absorbed energy of the tested steel is respectively 1122 MPa, 1106 MPa, 11.40%, 25.20%, 191.0 J, which can offer the best match of strengthening and toughening.
    Aging behavior of largegauge 82B steel hot-rolled wire in winter
    Wang Haibin, Jia Jianping, Zhang Chaolei, Lu Weiyong, Wang Jianzhong, Li Na
    2021, 46(4):  95-99.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.04.016
    Abstract ( 75 )   PDF (609KB) ( 29 )  
    Mechanical properties of ø12.5 mm 82B steel hot-rolled wire aged for 0 to 30 d were studied under the condition of -15 ℃ to -23 ℃ in North China in winter, and different artificial aging experiments were also comparatively carried out. The results show that there is no obvious relationship between tensile strength of the 82B steel wire and aging method. The percentage reduction of area has a significant increase after natural aged for 0 d to 10 d, and tends to be stable during 10 d to 30 d. The mechanical properties obtained by artificial aging at 200 ℃ for 2 h were close to those obtained after natural aging treatment for 10 d. Therefore, the mechanical properties after natural aging can be predicted by artificial aging treatment.
    Finite element simulation of 70Si2MnV steel ball during quenching process
    Wang Xiaolin, Qiao Juanjuan, Li Qiang, Guo Hui
    2021, 46(4):  100-104.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.04.017
    Abstract ( 83 )   PDF (607KB) ( 32 )  
    Based on the heat transfer and phase transformation principles, the ANSYS thermal simulation software was used to establish the finite element mathematical model of the rolled 70Si2MnV steel ball during quenching and heat transfer process, and to obtain the change of temperature field in the steel ball with time. Meanwhile, the phase transformation during quenching process was predicted combiring uith CCT curves, and the microstructure and hardness characterizations were conducted to verify the simulation results. The results show that the surface and the position 20 mm from surface exhibit the highest cooling rate, which are mainly composed of fully martensitic microstructure; the cooling rate of the position 40 mm from surface gradually decreases, and a small amount of bainitic structure is obtained during quenching; the cooling rate of central position is less than the critical cooling rate, so the pearlite and bainite transformations occur during quenching process. However, the martensite content in the steel ball center is still maintained at about 80%, indicating that the experimental steel has good hardenability, which can ensure that the steel ball with a diameter of ø120 mm can be completely hardened.
    Influence of solution temperature on corrosion resistance of Fe-Mn-Al-C ferrite based light weight steel
    Zhao Ting, Sun Jiazhen, Jia Xin, Guo Kai, Wang Tiansheng
    2021, 46(4):  105-111.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.04.018
    Abstract ( 101 )   PDF (617KB) ( 39 )  
    Microstructure of a Fe-Mn-Al-C ferrite based lightweight steel after hot-rolling and solution treatment at 850, 950 and 1050 ℃, respectively, were analysed by means of OM, SEM and X-ray diffractometer. The corrosion resistance of the solution treated samples were studied by obtaining the polarization curves, impedance curves and the surface states corrosion in 3.5%NaCl solution. The results show that the microstructure after solution treatment at 850, 950 and 1050 ℃ are ferrite+ κ carbide, ferrite+ austenite+ a little κ carbide and ferrite+ austenite, respectively. With the solution treatment temperature increasing, κ carbides coarse gradually until dissolve completely, austenite forms and the grain grows, but the amount of the austenite decreases slightly. The best corrosion resistance in 3.5%NaCl solution is obtained after solution treatment at 950 ℃, which self corrosion current density is 3.102×10-6 A/cm2 and resistance Rp value of passivation film is 3944 Ω, the corrosion rate is lowest after corrosion test for 240 h. All of that is mainly due to the higher content of austenite and Al in ferrite as well as the lower content of ferrite and κ carbide.
    Microstructure, mechanical properties and fracture mechanism of TC32 titanium alloy with different heat treatment processes
    Li Mingbing, Wang Xinnan, Shang Guoqiang, Zhu Liwei, Li Jing, Li Xing, Zhu Zhishou
    2021, 46(4):  112-117.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.04.019
    Abstract ( 96 )   PDF (611KB) ( 48 )  
    Effect of two heat treatment processes, which were normal annealed (700 ℃ for 2 h, AC) and double annealed (880 ℃ for 2 h, AC and 550 ℃ for 6 h, AC), on microstructure and mechanical properties of the new high-performance and low-cost TC32 titanium alloy was studied by using optical microscope (OM), scanning electron microscope (SEM), transmission electron microscope (TEM), and tensile testing machine. The results show that after normal annealing, the content of primary α phase is about 37.2%, and a slight spheroidization occurres, the β-transformed matrix is composed of coarser lamellar secondary α phase and residual β phase. The average ultimate strength (UTS) under this process is 939 MPa, and the average elongation (EL) is 17.4%. After double annealing, volume fraction of primary α phase which occurred recrystallization is about 11.8%, and β-transformed matrix is composed of fine lamellar secondary α phase with weaving basket-weave structures. The average ultimate strength (UTS) under this process is 1258 MPa, and the average elongation (EL) is 9.4%. Fracture morphologies show that the tensile fracture mechanism of both processes belongs to ductile fracture. The fracture characteristics of normal annealed have larger fibrous and shear lip zones, no obvious radical zone, and more equiaxed dimples with larger in size and deeper in depth. The fracture characteristics of double annealed have a certain area of radical zone, in addition to the equiaxed dimples, a number of tearing edges is observed.
    Effect of controlled cooling process on microstructure and properties of Ti-microalloyed medium carbon steel plate
    Yang Bo, Sun Jian, Guo Hongli
    2021, 46(4):  118-121.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.04.020
    Abstract ( 64 )   PDF (606KB) ( 27 )  
    Ti-microalloyed medium carbon steel plate of 20 mm thickness was prepared by controlled rolling-controlled cooling-quenching-tempering processes. The effect of controlled cooling process (cooling rate) on effective grain size and precipitates of the steel was studied, and the strengthening and toughening mechanisms were also discussed. The results show that the faster the cooling rate, the smaller the effective grain size is, the narrower the martensite lath width is, and the finer the Ti-containing precipitates are, so that the steel has both high strength, good ductility and toughness. This is mainly because the rapid cooling can retain the crystal defects and deformation energy obtained during rolling, making the austenite refined during reheating. Moreover, the rapid cooling inhibits the precipitation of Ti in the cooling process, making Ti in the super-saturated state. In the reheating process, fine Ti-containing precipitates gradually precipitate, which can effectively prevent the growth of austenite grains. Effective grain refinement and nano Ti precipitates make the steel plate having good mechanical properties.
    Effect of intercritical hardening on microstructure and fracture properties of 09MnNiDR vessel steel plate
    Zhang Bingjun, Xie Zhanglong, Xi Lianyun, Li Zhichao, Ning Bo
    2021, 46(4):  122-125.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.04.021
    Abstract ( 67 )   PDF (666KB) ( 32 )  
    Microstructure and low temperature impact properties of the 09MnNiDR vessel steel plate with the thickness of 60 mm were analyzed by means of metallographic microscope, scanning electron microscope and thermosdilatometer. The results show that the impact absorbed energy at 1/2 thickness of the steel plate under quenching+intercritical hardening+tempering process is greatly improved comparing with that under twice intercritical hardening+tempering process, which is related to the increase of the proportion of small and medium-sized grains in the steel. The impact fracture morphology of the former process is quasi-cleavage fracture, while that of the latter process is ductile fracture.
    Effect of heating process on cold bending ability of 1800 MPa grade hot stamped steel
    Jin Jiachun, Deng Zongji, Yang Zhen, Li Zitao, Lu Qianqian, Cui Lei, Liu Yonggang, Zhan Hua
    2021, 46(4):  126-130.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.04.022
    Abstract ( 72 )   PDF (617KB) ( 27 )  
    Effect of holding time in pre-heating process for hot stamping on microstructure and cold bending property of a 1800 MPa grade hot stamped steel was analyzed by means of cold bending test machine, optical microscope and scanning electron microscope. The results show that with the increase of holding time, the prior austenite grains of the hot stamped steel grow up. When the holding time is 5 min, the prior austenite grains are fine and uniform with the average size of about 5 μm. When the holding time reaches 9 min, abnormal coarse grains appear. The cold bending angle is closely related to the prior austenite grain size, i.e., it decreases with grain growth. The maximum cold bending angle is 54.5° when the holding time is 5 min.
    Effect of final cooling temperature on microstructure and mechanical properties of low yield ratio composite precipitation strengthening steel
    Ma Changwen, Ma Longteng, Wang Yanfeng, Yang Yongda, Han Chengliang
    2021, 46(4):  131-137.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.04.023
    Abstract ( 57 )   PDF (608KB) ( 35 )  
    By using thermo-mechanical simulation, the microstructure of a composite precipitation strengthening steel with low yield ratio under various cooling rates and the corresponding dynamic continuous cooling transformation (CCT) curves were determined. Then the effects of different final cooling temperature on mechanical properties were studied by property comparison, and that on microstructure by means of OM, SEM and TEM. The results show that the dominant microstructure changes from granular bainite into lath bainite with the increase of cooling rate and no ferrite is observed, which shows a good hardenability of the steel. As the final cooling temperature increases from 400 ℃ to 450 ℃, the lath substructure coarsens and the dislocation density decreases, while accelerated diffusion of alloy elements leads to higher number of Cu-rich particles and Nb/Ti carbides, resulting in enhanced precipitation strengthening effect. The optimized final cooling temperature is 450 ℃, at which the steel has a larger proportion of granular bainite, thus resulting a good match of high strength and low yield ratio.
    Effect of controlled rolling and controlled cooling process on microstructure and properties of 440 MPa grade hull steel
    Wang Sicheng, Zhou Dan, Chai Xiyang, Tong Shi, Yang Yang, Wang Tianqi
    2021, 46(4):  138-142.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.04.024
    Abstract ( 67 )   PDF (607KB) ( 27 )  
    Through measuring the continuous cooling transformation (CCT) curves and controlled rolling and controlled cooling test, the phase transformation characteristics, microstructure and properties of 440 MPa grade hull steel were studied. The results show that the bainite microstructure can be obtained under a wide range of cooling rate. With the decrease of final rolling temperature, the strength and toughness of the steel are improved. Under the condition of air cooling after rolling, the ferrite and pearlite microstructure are obtained with good toughness, while the reserve for strength is relatively low. With the accelerated cooling after rolling, the strength is obviously increased. At the simulated coiling temperature of 550 ℃, the match of strength and toughness is comparatively better. In conclusion, the preferred process parametons of controlled rolling and controlled cooling are finial rolling at 840 ℃, accelerated cooling with (20±5) ℃/s after rolling and coiling at 550-560 ℃.
    Effect of tempering temperature on microstructure and properties of 1100 MPa steel
    Li Canming
    2021, 46(4):  143-146.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.04.025
    Abstract ( 96 )   PDF (617KB) ( 53 )  
    Microstructure and mechanical properties changes of the tested steel of low carbon and micro-alloyed with Nb, Ti, B, Cr, Mo, Ni tempered at different temperatures were systematically studied by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results show that the decomposition of martensite occurs after tempering at 220 ℃, the lath bundles of martensite become coarser, the laths in the bundles merge gradually, the retained austenite decomposes gradually, the dislocation density decreases greatly, and the internal stress caused by quenching is released. The tested steel has the best comprehensive mechanical properties. After tempering at 300 ℃, a large number of carbides gather and grow in austenite grain boundaries or between tempered martensite laths, which reduces the binding force between grain boundaries and laths, resulting in tempering embrittlement.
    Numerical simulation of surface laser quenching and microstructure and properties of 420B stainless steel dental chisel
    Guo Shirui, Zhang Shihao, Che Jiangning, Cui Lujun, Zheng Bo
    2021, 46(4):  147-151.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.04.026
    Abstract ( 79 )   PDF (609KB) ( 23 )  
    In order to improve the hardness of cutting edge of the dental chisel and prolong service life, laser quenching test on 420B stainless steel dental chisel was carried out based on the numerical simulation by using ANSYS parameterized design, and the microstructure and hardness were analyzed by means of OM and hardness test. The results show that when the laser power is 500 W and the scanning speed is 960 mm/min, the simulation model shows that the maximum temperature of the quenched surface is about 1070 ℃. Under this process parameter, the highest hardness of the cutting edge in cross section after quenching is 57.1 HRC, and the average hardness is 51.0 HRC, and the quenching effect is preferable.
    Influence of adding Na2WO4 to electrolyte of silicate system on properties of ceramic film on LY12 aluminum alloy
    He Qiaocheng, Jiang Wenyong, Chen Lu, Wang Changliang, Wu Penghai
    2021, 46(4):  152-156.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.04.027
    Abstract ( 55 )   PDF (612KB) ( 27 )  
    Na2WO4 additive was added to the electrolyte of silicate system. The effect of concentration of Na2WO4 additive on surface morphology and properties of micro-arc oxidation ceramic film on LY12 aluminum alloy was studied by means of SEM, XRD, hardness test and electrochemical corrosion test. The results show that with the addition of Na2WO4, the microstructure of the film is changed, and the hardness of the film increases, the surface is smooth, and there are fewer small holes and a small amount of irregular white particles on the surface. With the increase of Na2WO4, the hardness of the film increases first and then decreases. When the Na2WO4 content is 4 g/L, the maximum hardness of the film is 440.3 HV0.3, which is increased by 272.3 HV0.3 compared with that of the substrate (about 168 HV0.3). XRD analysis shows that W element participates in the micro-arc oxidation process, and forms oxide WO3. The ceramic layer mainly consists of α-Al2O3, γ-Al2O3 and WO3. The electrochemical polarization curve analysis shows that addition of Na2WO4 effectively improves the corrosion resistance of the film, and the corrosion resistance is the best when the additive amount is 1 g/L, the corrosion potential is -532.0 mV and the corrosion current is 0.011 μA. The addition of Na2WO4 can effectively improve the surface morphology and properties of the ceramic film. The optimal addition amount of the Na2WO4additive is 4 g/L so as to obtain the comprehensive performance of the film.
    Multiple regulation on mechanical properties of 980 MPa cold-rolled multi-phase steel
    Chen Zhuo, Wang Chengsi, Jin Bin, Liu Jingbao, Hao Lei, Kuang Shuang, Wang Jinrong
    2021, 46(4):  157-160.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.04.028
    Abstract ( 78 )   PDF (607KB) ( 26 )  
    By performing the Gleeble-3500 annealing simulator, tensile testing machine and optical microscope, the effects of soaking temperature, slow cooling temperature and overaging temperature on mechanical properties and microstructure of 980 MPa multi-phase steel were investigated during the continuous annealing process. The results indicate that 980 MPa multi-phase steels are composited of typical ferrite, bainite and martensite. The contents of bainite and martensite increase with the rise of soaking temperature, enhancing the yield strength and tensile strength accordingly. The slow cooling temperature is related to the size of new ferrite and the content of martensite, which possesses the adjustability of mechanical properties. With the increase of overaging temperature, granular carbides appear gradually and can reduce the strength of martensite, which further improves the plasticity of multi-phase steels. From the view of multiple regulation on comprehensive mechanical properties of 980 MPa multi-phase steels, the optimal parameters are selected as soaking temperature of 800 ℃, slow cooling temperature of 700 ℃ and overaging temperature of 340 ℃.
    Electron beam cladding surface modification process and high temperature wear resistance of Ni-based alloy
    Liu Hailang, Lu Ruxue, Chen Jian, Xu Guangtao, Zhang Qian
    2021, 46(4):  161-166.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.04.029
    Abstract ( 77 )   PDF (613KB) ( 35 )  
    WC-CoCr composite coating was cladded on the surface of Inconel 617 superalloy by electron beam. Orthogonal experiment was designed to analyze the influence of process parameters on the clad layer, and the microstructure and properties of the optimized coating were studied. The results show that the beam current is the most significant influence on the quality characteristics of the coating. The clad layer obtained a good metallurgical bond, which undergoes ion exchange under the optimized process. The modified surface exists the WC, CoCr, (Fe, Ni) C6, Fe3W3C phases and the α-Co solid solution, and the decomposition of WC is effectively inhibited by electron beam treatment, the microhardness reaches 1200 HV0.3. The microstructure of the coating is mainly the distribution of dendrites and a variety of eutectic on the CoCr matrix, which high temperature sliding wear behavior has lower wear rate and friction coefficient than Inconel 617 matrix at 200 ℃, 600 ℃ and 1000 ℃, wear resistance has been enhanced.
    Preparation and properties of rare earth CeO2 modified Ni60/50%WC coating
    Zhang Leitao, Duan Li, Liu Dexin, Zhang Weiqiang, Wang Xuesong, Dai Jiaoyan, Xu Jinfu
    2021, 46(4):  167-170.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.04.030
    Abstract ( 64 )   PDF (611KB) ( 31 )  
    Through adding rare earth CeO2 to modify the Ni60/50%WC coating and preparing the coatings with different CeO2 content, the influence of CeO2 content on surface cracks of the coating was studied. The results show that with the increase of CeO2 content, the surface cracks of the coating first gradually decreases and then gradually increases. When adding 1% CeO2, the Ni60/50% WC coating has no cracks, the microstructure is homogeneous and dense, which containing round WC particles, γ-(Fe, Ni), M23C6, M7C3, Fe3W3C, Ni4W, W2C, CeNi5 and CeNi2, etc. Compared with the coating without CeO2, the hardness of the coating containing 1%CeO2 increases by 11.88% and the wear rate decreases by 26%.
    Effect of BH carburizing process on structure and properties of 12CrNi3 carburizing steel
    Liu Ke, Yang Bin, Sun Lin, Ouyang Xuemei, Ding Hui, Zhu Xu
    2021, 46(4):  171-175.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.04.031
    Abstract ( 75 )   PDF (609KB) ( 28 )  
    Aiming to overcome the disadvantages of gas carburizing for thin-walled heavy-duty gears such as requiring high temperature and long process period, as well as uncontrollable large distortions and undesired microstructure, the BH carburizing process was adopted by adding BH-5 energizing agent based on the original gas carburizing process. The results show that when the carburized layer depth is (1.5±0.1) mm, the BH carburizing can improve the carburizing efficiency by more than 20%. The BH carburizing can refine the grain size of 12CrNi3 steel to grade 7, result in smoother hardness gradient for the carburized layer, improve friction performance, and reduce distortions.
    Shape memory effect of NiTi alloy coating deposited by high-velocityoxygen-fuel spraying
    Duan Xueyan, Li Wenli, Qin Enwei, Wang Bo, Lu Haifeng, Wu Shuhui
    2021, 46(4):  176-181.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.04.032
    Abstract ( 57 )   PDF (607KB) ( 24 )  
    A highly dense NiTi alloy coating was prepared by high-velocity oxygen-fuel (HVOF) spraying, and the microstructure was optimized by subsequent aging treatment. The shape memory effects of the as-HVOF sprayed and as-aged specimens were evaluated through an indentation method. The OM and SEM microstructural characterization show that the as-sprayed NiTi coating consists of laminated internal island-chain interfaces, with a porosity of about 0.82%. The X-ray diffraction analysis shows that the as-sprayed NiTi coating owns 100% austenite, from which the Ni4Ti3 phase precipitates out in aging treatment. The indentation analysis shows that both the one-way and the two-way shape memory effects can be induced in the as-sprayed and the aged coatings, while the X-ray phase analysis and the differential scanning calorimetry analysis show that the shape memory effect is significantly increased by the precipitated second phase particles in aging treatment.
    Endurance property of 2.25Cr-1Mo-0.25V steel forgings for hydrogenation reactor
    Shi Ruxing, Yu Xingsheng, Yuan Yasha, He Chunjing, Chen Ming, Dai Bojie
    2021, 46(4):  182-186.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.04.033
    Abstract ( 59 )   PDF (607KB) ( 26 )  
    Effects of high temperature endurance on fracture and microstructure of 2.25Cr-1Mo-0.25V steel were researched. Normal temperature tensile strength, high temperature tensile strength and high-temperature endurance strength under same temperature and different loading of the as-heat treated specimens were analyzed. The fracture and microstructure of the specimens were observed by means of scanning electron microscope(SEM). The results show that with the increase of the loading stress, the endurance time decreases significantly. After fracture, rich-Mo phases are precipitated in the fracture, and with the increase of the fracture time, the content of Mo in the precipitated phase increases gradually.
    High cycle corrosion fatigue properties of 17-4PH stainless steel aged at different temperatures
    Gao Airui, Gao Yuan, Xi Shengqi, Shi Lianfeng, Liang Gang, Gao Zhenxu
    2021, 46(4):  187-191.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.04.034
    Abstract ( 92 )   PDF (606KB) ( 39 )  
    17-4PH stainless steel was treated with solid solution, stabilization and aging treatments, then the microstructure, hardness, crack growth rate, corrosion fatigue fracture and fatigue limit of the 17-4PH stainless steel aged at 568 ℃ and 605 ℃ respectively were analyzed. The results show that the fatigue limit of 17-4PH stainless aged at 568 ℃ is significantly higher than that aged at 605 ℃. For the specimen aged at 568 ℃, the fatigue growth rate is lower than that aged at 605 ℃, while the threshold of fatigue crack propagation is higher than the latter. The fatigue fractures of the tested steel after aging at 568 ℃ and 605 ℃ are both belonging to cleavage fracture.
    Grain size control of 316H austenitic stainless steel forgings for nuclear power
    Ran Xiongbo, Liu Hongling, Wang Hongyu, Cao Junsheng, Liang Qichao, Hou Chaoqian
    2021, 46(4):  192-195.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.04.035
    Abstract ( 115 )   PDF (610KB) ( 47 )  
    Aiming at the problem of grain coarsening and mixed grains in 316H austenitic stainless steel forgings, the effects of forging temperature, deformation and solution heat preservation temperature on grain size of 316H steel were studied. The results show that the grain size of the forging in the core is finer than that at 1/4 diameter, while that at 1/4 diameter is finer than that at the forging surface. The increase of the forging temperature and the amount of deformation promote the occurrence of dynamic recrystallization, which is very significant for the grain refinement. When the forging temperature is 1100 ℃ and with 30% deformation, the grain size after forging can reach about grade 7. The heat treatment has a certain homogenization effect on the grain size, however, too high heat treatment temperature will cause grain growth, so the heat treatment temperature should be controlled in the range of 1040-1060 ℃.
    Contrastive analysis of microstructural heterogeneity of Fe-based electrothermal alloy wires
    Zhang Qiang, Zhu Zhixiang, Chen Xin, Zhang Ning, Yin Xue, Zhu Jianxin, Meng Li
    2021, 46(4):  196-199.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.04.036
    Abstract ( 57 )   PDF (608KB) ( 26 )  
    Property of electrothermal alloy is connected to its chemical composition, microstructure and texture. The microstructure of two commercial Fe-based electrothermal alloy wires (0Cr25Al5 alloy and 0Cr21Al6Nb alloy) was investigated, and the microstructural heterogeneity was analyzed with emphasis, then the relationship between chemical composition, texture, radial position of the alloy wire and the grain size distribution was discussed. The results show that comparing with 0Cr25Al5 alloy specimen, the 0Cr21Al6Nb alloy specimen containing Nb shows more homogeneous grain size distribution and lower average grain size. Different oriented grains show different size distribution, and <110> oriented grains have the higher average grain size, but small <110> oriented grains have the lower quantity. Moreover, the grain size distribution shows different dependence on the radial position in these two electrothermal alloy wires. The range of grain size value is lower in 0Cr21Al6Nb alloy specimen, and the grain size distribution is not sensible to the radial position. In comparison, much higher grain size value range is shown in 0Cr25Al5 specimen, and the microstructure varies at different positions. To conclude, it is deduced that the lower average grain size and more uniform microstructure could be achieved by the addition of carbide forming elements, and the relationship between chemical composition, texture, radial position and the grain size distribution of alloy wires could provide reference to the microstructure control and property optimization in electrothermal alloy production.
    Grain-controlled heating process design of GH4169 case ring thermoforming
    Li Yaojun, Huang Hai, Gu Qing, Lan Jian
    2021, 46(4):  200-204.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.04.037
    Abstract ( 62 )   PDF (611KB) ( 24 )  
    GH4169 casing ring has to be repeatedly heated to a high temperature during the forming process, which results in grain coarsening. Based on the established phase evolution model and grain growth model of GH4169 superalloy, the heating processes for hot forming of the casing ring were formulated. The results of calculations and experiments show that the established heating processes can significantly hinder the grain growth of the casing ring during the blank making and rolling process.
    Decarburization behavior of ZGMn13Cr2 steel during water toughening treatment
    Zhu Ke, Li Qiang, Zeng Jianmin, Zhao Siyong, Huang Zhaomin, Hu Yongmei
    2021, 46(4):  205-209.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.04.038
    Abstract ( 64 )   PDF (592KB) ( 23 )  
    Decarburization behavior of ZGMn13Cr2 steel under different water toughening conditions was studied. The relationship between actual decarburization depth and theoretical calculation was analyzed, and the traditional calculation model was modified. The results show that the higher the heat temperature for water toughening and the longer the holding time, the severer the decarburization is. When the heat temperature is 1000 ℃, the actual decarburization depth is similar to the theoretical decarburization depth; when the heat temperature is 1050 ℃ and 1100 ℃, the actual decarburization depth is larger than the theoretical decarburization depth due to the intensification of oxidation reaction and the effect of carbides, so the traditional calculation model is no longer applicable. The modified calculation model can play a certain role in measuring the decarburization depth of ZGMn13Cr2 steel in water toughening treatment.
    Metallography technology of plasma sprayed Al2O3 ceramic coating
    Xie Jing, Xie Shan, Quan Qiongrui, Li Xin
    2021, 46(4):  210-216.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.04.039
    Abstract ( 64 )   PDF (589KB) ( 43 )  
    Metallographic sample preparation technology and microstructure evaluation technology of atmospheric plasma sprayed Al2O3 ceramic coating were studied by means of automatic metallographic sample preparation equipment and optical metallographic microscope, then the optimum sample preparation and evaluation methods were determined. The results show that by using resin bonded SiC wet grinding wheel cutting piece sampling, automatic grinding and polishing equipment equipped with correct specimen preparation parameters, SiC new sandpaper grinding and low resilience non wool cloth polishing, the true microstructure of the coating can be effectively revealed, and false images such as unreal abnormal large porosity can be avoided. The inherent angular morphology of Al2O3 powder produced by sintered fragmentation can be used for the evaluation of undissolved particles and remelted particles in the coating. As much as possibly reduced microscope aperture can be used to effectively distinguish the microstructure characteristics of the coating such as unmelted particles, remelted particles and oxides, etc.
    Corrosion resistance of 40Cr steel after nitriding and oxidation treatment
    Yue Jiahong, Meng Xuan, Yao Xiaowei, Kong Lingfei, Yang Yang, Qin Guofang
    2021, 46(4):  217-219.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.04.040
    Abstract ( 120 )   PDF (593KB) ( 44 )  
    The corrosion resistance of 40Cr steel with different nitriding temperature and post oxidation treatment was compared, and the corrosion resistance of 40Cr steel under different surface protection conditions were compared through the salt spray corrosion test method. The results show that when the nitriding temperature of 40Cr steel is between 560 ℃ and 580 ℃, the neutral salt spray test time can reach more than 200 h; after the edge protection and oil seal treatment of the 40Cr steel trented by nitriding oxidation treatment, the neutral salt spray test time can reach 200 h, and the appearance rating (RA) is 10.
    Formation cause analysis of electroplating mildew spot on 45Mn steel part surface
    Yang Yu, Wang Yinghai, Zhang Jifu, Ma Xiaojun, Xu Lijia, Ren Junwei
    2021, 46(4):  220-223.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.04.041
    Abstract ( 127 )   PDF (637KB) ( 45 )  
    Formation causes of electroplating mildew spot on 45Mn steel part surface was analyzed by studying the chemical composition, original microstructure and surface quality of the part and the raw steel sheet. The results show that both the chemical composition and the microstructure of the raw steel sheet meet the standard requirements and without abnormality. However, the roughening of the steel surface and the existence of carbon segregation defects lead to microcracks on the electroplating steel surface, which are the main reasons for the electric plating defects. Through optimizing the production process and improving the surface quality, the formation of the mildew spot on the surface of electroplating steel part can be avoided.
    Fish-eye fracture analysis of 20Mn2A round chain steel
    Wen Juan, Lai Ping, Yang Rongguang, Ren Qun, Ju Xinhua
    2021, 46(4):  224-226.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.04.042
    Abstract ( 73 )   PDF (590KB) ( 30 )  
    20Mn2A round chain steel was fractured in the tensile test after heat treatment of the braided chain, and round or oval platforms were found on most of the fractures. The fracture morphology, microstructure and chemical composition of the round chain were analyzed by scanning electron microscope, metallographic microscope and direct reading spectrometer. The results show that the chemical composition of the round chain steel is normal, and the microstructure of the round chain is tempered martensite and ferrite. The existence of ferrite reduces the hardness and wear resistance of the round chain steel. The micromorphology of the round platform on the steel fracture is crystal sugar-like intergranular morphology, and there are alumina inclusions on the central surface of the platform. The fish-eye hydrogen embrittlement with inclusions as the core is the main cause of the round chain fracture.
    Low temperature fracture control of heavy-gauge X80 pipeline steel for large diameter pipe
    Xiong Xiangjiang, Fan Ming, Yang Xiaojun, Li Zhongping, Shi Shuhua, Peng Ningqi, Qian Yajun, Peng Qing
    2021, 46(4):  227-231.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.04.043
    Abstract ( 58 )   PDF (593KB) ( 39 )  
    Taking the large diameter (OD1422 mm) with heavy wall thickness (38.5 mm) pipeline made of X80 grade hot-rolled steel sheet as the research object, the microstructure and fracture morphologies of -20 ℃ low temperature DWTT of the steel were analyzed by means of OM and SEM, and the relationship between fracture and microstructure was discussed. The results show that band structure and uneven grain size at different position in wall, mixed structure of granular bainite, degraded pearlite, quasi-polygonal ferrite, martensite-autenite island, ect. will cause the initiation and propagation of cracks and the appearance of cleavage fracture, which reduces low temperature toughness. However, the martensite-austenite structure with a size of 3 μm or less and the uniformly distributed bainite ferrite hinder the crack propagation, and the fine martensite-austenite structure and bainitic ferrite can improve the fracture toughness of the steel plate, which is effective for controlling the low-temperature fracture of the steel.
    Cracking analysis of ZL111 aluminum alloy hydraulic brake master cylinder
    Wu Bingbing, Zeng Zhiwei, Wang Junzhao, Deng Fanlin, Jiao Guangsheng
    2021, 46(4):  232-235.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.04.044
    Abstract ( 63 )   PDF (588KB) ( 28 )  
    ZL111 aluminum alloy hydraulic brake master cylinder was found cracking during the appearance inspection, and seal inspection revealed its leakage. In order to find out the reasons for the cracking of the cylinder, the cracks, fracture morphology and microstructure of the cylinder were observed, and its chemical composition and phase transition point were detected. The results show that the failure of the cylinder is due to the presence of over burning defects in the structure, which reduces the strength of the material. The rounded and brittle eutectic silicon phase is distributed in the grain boundary, which aggregates and grows, and further weakens the grain boundary. Under the effect of quenching stress, the cylinder cracks, and the cracks expand to macroscopic cracks during the subsequent processing. It is discussed and analyzed that the root cause of the cracking of the cylinder is the high content of Mg element in the composition, which reduces the temperature that limits to cause over burning.
    Causes analysis of quenching cracking of inner hole of first class planet carrier
    Yan Youzeng, Zhang Hao, Cao Qi, Meng Gaoqiang, Xia Guofeng, Xu Shuang
    2021, 46(4):  236-238.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.04.045
    Abstract ( 74 )   PDF (777KB) ( 36 )  
    The inner holes of 42CrMo4 steel planet carrier were found cracking during machining after quenching and tempering in a batch of wind turbine gearboxes. Composition segregation, microstructure, quenching process, and magnetic particle test of machined surface of the planet carriers were analyzed. The results show that too intensive quenching cooling is the direct cause of cracking, and serious segregation is the main cause of quenching cracking.
    Causean analysis on longitudinal cracking of 35CrMo steel cylinder pin
    Zhou Yongqiang
    2021, 46(4):  239-242.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.04.046
    Abstract ( 80 )   PDF (648KB) ( 48 )  
    Longitudinal cracks were found in the 35CrMo steel cylinder pin produced by a standard parts factory during tensile sample manufacturing for re-examination. The causes of the cracking were found out by analyzing the chemical composition, microstructure, crack and fracture morphology of the cylinder pin. The results show that the cracking of the 35CrMo steel cylinder pin is the longitudinal crack occurred during quenching. The cracking is caused by slightly overheating and coarse inclusions in longitudinal direction. This kind of problem can be avoided by adjusting heat treatment process and selecting pure raw materials.
    Development of walking beam production line for isothermal normalizing of gear shaft blanks
    Luo Ping, Li Xianjun, Zhang Wenliang, Wang Jin, Wu Xiaolin, Shang Yong, Shi Yuezhang
    2021, 46(4):  243-246.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.04.047
    Abstract ( 66 )   PDF (592KB) ( 36 )  
    An intelligent walking beam isothermal normalizing production line was developed for gear shaft blanks, and the measures adopted in the line to realize the “green”, “precision” and “intelligence” characteristics were introduced in details. The production practice in the past two years shows that, the heat treatment production line has the advantages of stable mechanical operation, fast heating, uniform heating and cooling for workpieces, saving energy and reducing consumption, and high degree of automation. After the normalizing treatment by this production line, the gear shaft blanks own fine and uniform ferrite+pearlite microstructure, which plays a good foundation for the subsequent carburizing and quenching processes. Meanwhile, the moderation and small dispersion of hardness values are beneficial for the improvement of machining.
    High pressure gas quenching equipment and technology
    Pan Zhen
    2021, 46(4):  247-249.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.04.048
    Abstract ( 78 )   PDF (590KB) ( 53 )  
    Characteristics of gas quenching medium and gas quenching equipment of ECM were briefly introduced. At the same time, the principle of step gas quenching process of ECM and the advantages of step gas quenching process over ordinary gas quenching process were introduced and discussed by combining with actual production cases.