
Current Issue

    Low-cycle fatigue properties and life prediction of aging strengthenedhigh-nickel Inconel-718 alloy
    Qu Huapeng, Wang Liubing, Wang Donghui, Wu Bingjie, Feng Hanqiu, Chen Haitao, Xu Bin, Song Danrong, Lang Yuping
    2021, 46(7):  1-6.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.07.001
    Abstract ( 63 )   PDF (13330KB) ( 31 )  
    High-temperature low-cycle fatigue properties at 350 ℃ of the aging-strengthened 0Cr20Ni55Mo3Nb5Ti (Inconel-718) alloy was researched. The relationship between strain level and fatigue life was calculated and compared based on Manson-Coffin and Zheng models. The test results show that excellent low-cycle properties are obtained in Inconel-718 alloy after 970 ℃×1 h, AC+720 ℃×8 h, FC+620 ℃×8 h, AC heat treatment. According to Zheng model, the critical strain limit is approximately 0.37%. The fatigue life is longer than 107 with strain levels lower than 0.37%. Without critical strain limit parameter ε0, the fatigue life prediction accuracy of Manson-Coffin model is relatively lower, especially at low loaded strain condition.
    Evolution of precipitated phases in high strength and high electrical conductivity Cu-Cr-Zr alloy during aging
    Pan Xuexin, Jiang Haichang, Feng Hui, Li Xuebin, Lu Yanren, Hu Xiaofeng, Fu Hong
    2021, 46(7):  7-12.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.07.002
    Abstract ( 64 )   PDF (594KB) ( 25 )  
    Precipitated phases in a CuCrZr alloy after aging at different temperatures were observed, and the electrical conductivity of the alloy was tested. The results show that after aging at 450 ℃ for 30 min, pure Cr precipitates with diameter of less than 5 nm are produced and obey the cube-on-cube orientation relationship with the matrix. After peek aging at 450 ℃ for 120 min, the precipitates are indexed as CrCu2Zr and Cr, which are coherent with the matrix and in a size of about 10 nm. After over aging at 600 ℃ and 800 ℃ respectively for 30 min, the precipitates change into rod-like Cu4Zr and spherical Cr phases. When aging at 600 ℃, some of the rod-like precipitates have grown to about 50 μm. When aging at 800 ℃, almost no fine precipitates are found, while the rod-shaped Cu4Zr precipitates grow to more than 200 μm, and the spherical pure Cr precipitates to near 50 μm. The electrical conductivity of the CuCrZr alloy increases with the extension of the aging time during aging at 450 ℃ and reaches the maximum value at 120 min and then hardly changes. Based on the linear relationship between the conversion rate of precipitated phases and the electrical conductivity during aging process, the precipitation kinetics equations of the CuCrZr alloy aging at 400, 450, 500 and 600 ℃ are established.
    Influence of cold tensile pre-deformation and heat treatment on grain boundary characteristics of Hastelloy C-276 alloy
    Liu Yian, Zhang Xiaoyu, Sun Huanying, Pang Guoxing, Wu Wei
    2021, 46(7):  13-17.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.07.003
    Abstract ( 64 )   PDF (595KB) ( 25 )  
    Hastelloy C-276 alloy was cold tensile deformed for 2%, 6%, 14%, 22%, 30% and 54%, respectively, then isothermally annealed at 1100 ℃ for 15 min and water cooled. Effects of deformation on the grain boundary characteristic distribution and on the grain size of the alloy were analyzed by EBSD technology. The results show that the total special grain boundary ratio shows a trend of decreasing first, then increasing and finally decreasing. When the deformation is up to 14%, the total proportion of special boundary reaches its peak point as to 64.8%; the Σ1 grain boundary proportion appears inflection point then tends to decrease, and the deformation storage energy can be released so the special grain boundary formation is promoted. At this time, the grain structure is in the initial stage of recrystallization. However, annealing under large deformation conditions is not conducive to increase the proportion of special grain boundaries. With the increase of grain size, the density of annealing twin decreases, so to optimize the grain size is conducive to the optimization of grain boundary character distribution.
    Effect of different intercritical quenching temperature on microstructure and properties of 9Ni Steel
    Li Rongbin, Qin Pinqiang, Chen Yongqiang, Li Ke, Long Wenyong
    2021, 46(7):  18-22.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.07.004
    Abstract ( 56 )   PDF (596KB) ( 23 )  
    Effects of different intercritical quenching temperatures in the range of 620-680 ℃ on the strength and low temperature impact property of 9Ni steel were analyzed by means of SEM, XRD, fatigue testing machine, and impact testing machine. The results show that the content and stability of reversed austenite have a significant effect on the material properties. With the increase of intercritical quenching temperature, the tensile strength of the steel continues to increase, while the low temperature impact property presents a nonlinear trend of first increasing and then decreasing. When the intercritical quenching temperature is 640 ℃, the reversed austenite content, the elongation after fracture, the impact absorbed energy of the specimens all are the highest, respectively being 9.65%, 32.67%, 332.83 J at room temperature and 297.69 J at -196 ℃, showing the best match of strength and toughness on the whole.
    Dynamic recrystallization behaviors of 30CrNi3MoV steel and its mathematical models
    Pan Longbo, Chu Tao, Zhang Shuo, Jiang Ji, Cheng Caijin, Xie Qingzhong, Xing Xueqiang, Si Tingzhi
    2021, 46(7):  23-30.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.07.005
    Abstract ( 64 )   PDF (601KB) ( 22 )  
    On the basis of the measured true stress-true strain curves of the 30CrNi3MoV steel by Gleeble-3500 thermal-mechanical simulator, the dynamic recrystallization behaviors and mathematical models were studied for the 30CrNi3MoV steel with strain rates of 0.01 and 0.1 s-1. It is found that the dynamic recrystallization of the 30CrNi3MoV steel is easy to occur at high temperature and low strain rate, and the hot deformation activation energy is obtained to be 328.2 kJ/mol. According to the critical strain determined by the inflection point of work hardening rate versus flow stress curve (θ-σ), the critical strain equation of dynamic recrystallization is established to beεc=0.001 22Z0.175. The predicted values by the constructed dynamic recrystallization volume fraction and average grain size models are in good agreement with the experimental values. At the strain rate of 0.1 s-1 and the deformation temperature of 1050 ℃, fine uniform grains with the average grain size of about 19.9 μm can be obtained in the 30CrNi3MoV steel.
    Microstructure evolution and property change of T92 heat resistant steel pipe after long term service
    He Lijun, Zhou Long, Tang Chunpo, Guo Xiaogang, Jin Xiao, Zhao Yanfen, Xue Fei, Zhang Guodong
    2021, 46(7):  31-36.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.07.006
    Abstract ( 57 )   PDF (589KB) ( 28 )  
    Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of the T92 heat resistant steel pipe after 80 000 h service were studied by means of scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy and compared with the same batch of standby materials. The results show that after 80 000 h service, a large amount of M23C6 phase and Laves phase are precipitated on the martensite lath of the T92 steel, and MX phase is precipitated inside the lath. The width of the martensite slats has also increased significantly after service, but the typical martensitic slats are still maintained. The tensile strength and yield strength at room temperature and high temperature (610 ℃) of the T92 steel are reduced compared to the standby steel, and the difference of which at room temperature is small, while it decrease largely at high temperature. Precipitated phase strengthening and lath strengthening are the fundamental reasons for high performance of the T92 heat resistant steel after long-term service.
    Microstructure and mechanical properties of 0.2C-5Mn-0.5Si-2.5Al medium manganese steel after intercritical annealing
    Zhang Nan, Li Yan, Ding Wei
    2021, 46(7):  37-42.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.07.007
    Abstract ( 71 )   PDF (594KB) ( 23 )  
    The phase transformation, microstructure and mechanical properties of the 0.2C-5Mn-0.5Si-2.5Al medium manganese TRIP steel under different annealing processes were studied by means of CALPHAD (calculation of phase diagram) method, SEM (scanning electron microscopy), XRD (X-ray diffractometry) and tensile test. The influence of Al on the law of phase transformation, process, microstructure and properties were studied. The research results show that after the addition of 2.5 %(mass fraction)Al, the two-phase temperature region is significantly expanded, and the A3 temperature is obviously increased, which is beneficial to increase the intercritical annealing temperature, so the austenite reverse transformation process is accelerated, the retained austenite content after intercritical annealing for short time(1, 3 min) is effectively increased. Due to the addition of 2.5 %Al, δ ferrite appears in the microstructure. In range of 760-880 ℃, with the increase of intercritical annealing temperature, the elongation shows a trend of increasing first and then decreasing, while the yield strength decreases slightly, the tensile strength continues to increase. For 1 min annealing, with the increase of intercritical annealing temperature, the elongation and the product of strength and ductility shows a trend of increasing first and then decreasing. While for 3 min annealing, with the increase of intercritical annealing temperature, the elongation and the product of strength and ductility all show a trend of continue to decrease. The optimum mechanical properties are obtained by annealing at 760 ℃ for 3 min, where the tensile strength is 927.69 MPa, the elongation is 50.12%, and the product of strength and ductility is 46 503.00 MPa·%.
    Solution treated microstructure and properties of duplex stainless steel 1Cr18Ni11Si4AlTi
    Li Rongzhi, Yang Yanfang, Zhang Quanxin
    2021, 46(7):  43-46.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.07.008
    Abstract ( 58 )   PDF (594KB) ( 22 )  
    Solution treatment experiments for 1Cr18Ni11Si4AlTi duplex stainless steel were carried out at different temperatures, and the relationship between the microstructure and properties of the steel and the solution treatment was studied. The results show that with the increase of solution treatment temperature, the precipitates in the steel gradually dissolve, the ferrite content increases, the yield strength increases with the increase of ferrite content, the hardness of the steel trends to decrease first and then increase, and reaches the lowest hardness at 1050 ℃. When the solution treatment temperature reaches or exceeds 1100 ℃,the microstructure is coarsened gradually, the ferrite content increases apparently, and the yield strength of the steel is obviously improved.
    Grain microstructure evolution in Zr-Sn-Nb-Fe zirconium alloy plates during rolling and heat treatment
    Fan Qingsong, Tian Hang, Xie Meng, Zhou Jun, Yang Zhongbo, Zhao Wenjin
    2021, 46(7):  47-50.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.07.009
    Abstract ( 53 )   PDF (591KB) ( 20 )  
    Microstructure of the Zr-Sn-Nb-Fe zirconium alloy during processes of hot rolling and annealing, intermediate cold rolling and annealing, final cold rolling and annealing was observed and analyzed by means of optical microscope (OM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). The results show that the microstructure of the alloy after hot rolling is distributed banded along the rolling direction, and the grains are coarsened, deformed seriously and broken. The alloy microstructure after the intermediate cold rolling and the finished product rolling is obviously refined as fine deformed ones distributed banded along the rolling direction. The recrystallization degree of the alloy after intermediate annealing and finished annealing is significantly higher than before, the grains are gradually homogenized and refined, with grain orientation difference gradually changes to a normal distribution. Finally, a fine, uniformly distributed and almost completely recrystallized microstructure is obtained, and the grain size is grade 12.
    Behavior of martensite reverse transformation and austenite recrystallization of cold-rolled 304 stainless steel
    Zhang Mei, Sun Guosheng, Qin Dongyang, Du Linxiu
    2021, 46(7):  51-55.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.07.010
    Abstract ( 62 )   PDF (648KB) ( 26 )  
    Cold-rolled 304 stainless steel was annealed at 750-800 ℃ for 78-127 s, the microstructure evolution was investigated by means of metallographic microscope (OM), scanning electron microscope (EBSD) and X-ray diffractometer (XRD), and the tensile properties were determined. The results show that diffusion-type and shear-type martensite reverse transformation and austenite recrystallization occur in the tested steel during isothermal annealing. With the increase of annealing temperature and holding time, the reverse transformation of martensite and austenite recrystallization are gradually completed, the yield strength of the tested steel decreases but the elongation after fracture increases.
    Microstructure evolution of 310S heat-resistant stainless steel during long term aging at high temperature
    Miao Huajun, Li Guoping
    2021, 46(7):  56-59.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.07.011
    Abstract ( 59 )   PDF (593KB) ( 30 )  
    Microstructure evolution of the 310S heat-resistant stainless steel after aging at 950 ℃ for 50-3000 h was investigated by optical microscope (OM), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer(EDS),microhardness tester as well as X-ray diffraction instrument (XRD).The experimental results indicate that the major precipitates are Cr23C6 and σ phase after aging. When the aging time is 50 h, the carbide Cr23C6 precipitates before the σ phase. During aging, the number of Cr23C6 increases at first and then decreases, while the content of σ phase increases all the time.
    Phase and stability analysis of CrCuFeNiTi high entropy alloy coating based on first principles
    Xu Hongyang, Meng Wenglu, Lu Jinbin, Ma Mingxing
    2021, 46(7):  60-64.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.07.012
    Abstract ( 60 )   PDF (656KB) ( 29 )  
    CrCuFeNiTi high entropy alloy coating was deposited on 45 steel substrate by plasma arc. The phases of the coating were BCC, FCC and Fe2Ti phase which analyzed by means of XRD, and the composition of BCC, FCC and Fe2Ti phases were tested. The crystal structure model of BCC, FCC and Fe2Ti phases were established by using the virtual crystal approximation method in CASTEP. The lattice constants of BCC, FCC and Fe2Ti phases in the coating were calculated based on the first principles, and compared with the X-ray test results of BCC, FCC and Fe2Ti phases in the coating. In addition, the elastic constants Cij, bulk modulus B, shear modulus G, Young's modulus E and Poisson's ratio ν of BCC and FCC phases were calculated. The results show that the deviation between the calculated lattice constant of BCC, FCC and Fe2Ti phase and the experimental value is 0.43%-3.05%. The heat of formation of BCC, FCC and Fe2Ti phases is negative, and the elastic constants C11, C12 and C44 of BCC and FCC phases meet the requirements of mechanical stability constraints of cubic high-entropy alloys, which show that BCC, FCC and Fe2Ti phases are stable. In addition, the BCC and FCC phases are combined with metal bonds and exhibit toughness characteristics according to the calculation results of C12-C44>0,G/B<0.57,ν>0.26.
    Effect of oxidation time and chromium content on high temperature oxidation behavior of Fe-Cr steel
    Cheng Lei, Sun Bin, Gao Wei, Du Chongyang
    2021, 46(7):  65-71.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.07.013
    Abstract ( 98 )   PDF (590KB) ( 41 )  
    In order to determine the effect of different oxidation time and chromium content on microstructure and thickness of the iron oxide scale on steel surface at high temperature, Fe-5Cr steel and Fe-10Cr steel were oxidized at 1000 ℃ under air condition for 60-180 min. The oxidation kinetics curves of this two tested steels were drawn by using mass gain method, and the cross-section morphologies and phases of the steel scales were studied by means of metallographic microscope, energy spectrum and X-ray diffractometer. The results show that the oxidation of two steels is a “gas-solid” reaction in the early stage, and is a “gas phase-iron oxide scale-solid phase” reaction in the middle and late stages. The structure of the oxide scale is composed of outer oxide layer, inner oxide layer and inner oxide zone. When the oxidation time is 180 min, the internal oxide Cr2O3 is detected in the Fe-10Cr steel. The oxygen in the air diffuses inward and reacts with chromium in the substrate to produce internal oxide Cr2O3, which reacts with FeO in the iron oxide to produce spinel structure product FeCr2O4. With the increase of oxidation time, the internal oxide Cr2O3 is continuously wrapped by the internal oxide layer and converted to external oxidation. The transformation of internal and external oxidation causes the substrate to be continuously corroded, and the thickness of the iron oxide scale continues to increase.
    Research progress of BL/M and AR/M multiphase controlling methods in martensitic steel and their influence on performance
    Wei Xinhong, Li Zhimin, Zhang Xu, He Wenchao, Wang Yongheng, Guo Han, Li Shaohong
    2021, 46(7):  72-78.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.07.014
    Abstract ( 59 )   PDF (589KB) ( 26 )  
    The research progress of the lower bainite/martensite (BL/M) and retained austenite/martensite (AR/M) multiphase controlling methods to improve the properties of steels and the corresponding strengthening and toughening mechanisms were summarized in detail. The new heat treatment methods such as bainite isothermal quenching, quenching & partitioning (Q&P), quenching-partitioning-tempering (Q-P-T) were introduced. Also, the effects of multiphase controlling methods on microstructural characteristics and mechanical properties, as well as the key breakthrough problems in industrial application of the new heat treatments, were analyzed.
    Effect of carbon content on microstructure and properties of SA-508 Gr.3 steel heavy forgings
    Zhang Mingqiao, Fu Mingjiao, Zhao Xiaoguang, Fu Chaozheng, Wang Hongyu, Li Zhuolin
    2021, 46(7):  79-83.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.07.015
    Abstract ( 54 )   PDF (593KB) ( 20 )  
    Effect of carbon content on microstructure and properties of heavy forgings of SA-508 Gr.3 steel was investigated. The results show that as the carbon content of the steel increases, the bainite transformation temperature decreases and the precipitation amount of M3C carbides increases. The tensile strength at room temperature and at 350 ℃ are obviously improved, the impact properties first increase and then decrease, and the impact fracture morphologies at 0 ℃ change from mixed fracture to dimple fracture. In order to obtain a better performance, the carbon content of SA-508 Gr.3 steel should be controlled within 0.19%~0.22%(mass fraction).
    CCT curves and initial corrosion properties of Q355NH steel
    Wang Linxu, He Jinhang, Sun Bo, Bai Jie, Wang Yong, Deng Fenglin, Cao Changsheng, Liang Yu
    2021, 46(7):  84-88.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.07.016
    Abstract ( 116 )   PDF (590KB) ( 19 )  
    Through dilation curves and metallographic-hardness method, the transformation point of Q355NH low-carbon weathering steel austenitized at 840 ℃ and cooled with different cooling rates was measured, and the CCT curves were obtained. Based on this, the microstructure, mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of the steel under different cooling methods were studied. The results show that the microstructure of the Q355NH steel is composed of ferrite and pearlite when the cooling rate is in range of 0.1-10 ℃/s. As the cooling rate increases, the yield strength increases from 360 MPa (furnace cooling) to 420 MPa (wind cooling). Carbides precipitate along the grain boundary under furnace cooling methods, and the number and density of pearlite are highest under wind cooling method. Under these two cooling method, the steel has a lower corrosion potential, but the mass loss in the initial stage of the salt spray corrosion test is comparatively greater.
    Effect of Cr on dynamic CCT curves and properties of 20MnSiV gantry steel
    Huo Xiwei
    2021, 46(7):  89-93.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.07.017
    Abstract ( 49 )   PDF (593KB) ( 19 )  
    The continuous cooling transformation behavior of forklift gantry 20MnSiV steel without Cr and with 0.3% (mass fraction) Cr was studied by thermal expansion instrument. The microstructure of the tested steel at different cooling rates was observed by optical microscope, and its Vickers hardness was measured. The dynamic continuous cooling transformation (CCT) curves of the tested steel was obtained. The results show that at the cooling rate of 0.1-10 ℃/s, the critical cooling rate of bainite transformation is decreased and the comprehensive mechanical properties are improved with the addition of 0.3% Cr. However, the mixed microstructure of bainite and martensite is easy to form in the severe segregation area, which reduces the stability of Charpy V-notch impact test value at -20 ℃. The abnormal microstructure of the finished product can be eliminated and the low temperature impact stability can be improved by taking steps of end electromagnetic stirring, reducing the final rolling temperature, increasing the deformation of the last pass and reducing the air cooling distance.
    Continuous cooling transformation behavior of undercooled austenite of 700 MPa high strength weathering resistance steel
    Huo Jiansheng, Yan Dong
    2021, 46(7):  94-97.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.07.018
    Abstract ( 47 )   PDF (594KB) ( 19 )  
    Continuous cooling phase transformation behavior of micro-alloyed weathering resistance steel with addition of Ni, Cr, Cu for carriage was studied by means of thermal simulation test machine, and the static and dynamic CCT curves of the tested steel were established. The results show that under the condition of no deformation, not all ferrite microstructure can be obtained at test cooling rates. When the cooling rate is 0.2 ℃/s, the ferrite content in the room temperature after cooling is the highest, which is 41%, and the average grain size is 36.9 μm. Under the condition of deformation of 30%, all ferrite and mintue quantity of pearlite microstructure can be obtained at the cooling rate of 0.2 ℃/s, and the average grain size is 17.9 μm, at which the tested steel has good corrosion resistance. When the cooling rate is in the range of 0.2-0.5 ℃/s (ferrite and pearlite phase transformation), the hardness of the tested steel increases with the rise of cooling rate. Under the condition of deformation of 30% and cooling rate of 0.2 ℃/s, the macrohardness of the tested steel reaches 181 HV30.
    Interfacial diffusion kinetics of Ni-Al-W active materials
    Yu Jianghan, Geng Tieqiang, Li Wen, Zhu Zhengwang, Zhang Haifeng
    2021, 46(7):  98-102.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.07.019
    Abstract ( 44 )   PDF (605KB) ( 24 )  
    Ni-Al-W active material Ni37.5Al42.5W20 was prepared by powder metallurgy method, and the diffusion kinetics of Ni-Al, Al-W and Ni-W interfaces in the material were studied. The results show that the apparent activation energy of the material has little change when annealing at 400 ℃ for different time. The thickness of diffusion layer Δx increases with the increase of time t, and lnΔx has a linear relationship with lnt, but no intermetallic compounds are produced. The relationship between the Ni-Al interface layer thickness and annealing time is ΔxNi-Al=4.5210-8t1/2.635, the interface diffusion mode is volume diffusion in lattice. The relationship between the Al-W interface layer thickness and annealing time is ΔxAl-W=9.5610-8t1/4.050, the interface diffusion mode is surface diffusion. The relationship between the Ni-W interface layer thickness and annealing time is ΔxNi-W=2.3310-7t1/6.534, the interface diffusion mode is surface diffusion.
    Effect of heat treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of SLM 316L stainless steel spiral microwire
    Li Bin, Dong Xiuping, Huang Mingji
    2021, 46(7):  103-107.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.07.020
    Abstract ( 59 )   PDF (614KB) ( 28 )  
    Effects of different heat treatment parameters on the structure and mechanical properties of the spiral micro-diameter wire (SS316L-HMDW) made by laser melting (SLM) were analyzed through microscope observation, tensile test and microhardness test. The results show that after heat treatment, microstructure of the SS316L-HMDW specimen changes significantly, and the laser melt pool disappears, which reduces the anisotropy and contributes to the improvement of mechanical properties. Under different holding time, the grain size of the SS316L-HMDW specimen increases in different degrees with the holding time; with the increase of heat treatment holding time, the yield limit and tensile strength of the SS316L-HMDW specimen decreases, the elongation increases, and all of the fracture surfaces of tensile test specimens are ductile fracture, and the dimples become larger. After heat treatment at 1200 ℃ for 2 h, the microstructure and mechanical properties of the SS316L-HMDW specimen change significantly. The tensile strength decreases from 585 MPa to 398 MPa, the yield strength decreases from 40 MPa to 25 MPa, and the elongation significantly increases to 268%. The plasticity and toughness of the specimens are enhanced.
    Effect of final rolling temperature on interfacial microstructure and mechanical properties of 2205/Q345C steel clad plate
    Zhang Yongjian, Chen Junhong, Chen Zhen, Wang Jiaojiao, Hui Weijun, Wang Xiaoyong, Yang Jianwei
    2021, 46(7):  108-113.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.07.021
    Abstract ( 49 )   PDF (622KB) ( 20 )  
    Effect of final rolling temperature on the interface microstructure, element diffusion, hardness distribution and shear strength of 2205/Q345C clad steel plates prepared by vacuum hot rolling method were studied. The results show that the interface of the clad plates are all well bonded when the final rolling temperature is in the range of 950-1100 ℃, which is composed of ferrite + pearlite at the Q345C steel side and austenite + ferrite at the 2205 steel side. Near the interface of clad plate, the C atoms diffuses from Q345C steel into 2205 steel, causing a decarburized layer formed in Q345C steel, while a “carburized layer” formed in 2205 steel, and the thicknesses of both the decarburized layer and “carburized layer” increase with the increase of the final rolling temperature. Meanwhile, the Cr and Ni atoms diffuse continuously from Q345C steel into 2205 steel, and the diffusion distance of Cr atoms is greater than that of Ni atoms. With the increase of the final rolling temperature, the diffusion distances of Cr atoms and Ni atoms increase. Also with the increase of the final rolling temperature, the hardness of the clad plate changes little, and the hardness of 2205 steel near the interface is the highest while that of Q345C steel is the lowest. At the same time, the interfacial shear strength of the clad plates decreases, but all of them are greater than 420 MPa, which conforms to the requirement of shear strength ≥210 MPa in the standard of GB/T 8165—2008 Stainless Steel Clad Plates and Strips. In conclusion, when the final rolling temperature is in the range of 950-1100 ℃, the 2205/Q345C clad plates can obtain good mechanical properties.
    Effect of bulging on quenching residual stress of 2219 aluminum alloy ring
    Li Junheng, Wu Yunxin, Gong Hai
    2021, 46(7):  114-119.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.07.022
    Abstract ( 77 )   PDF (613KB) ( 24 )  
    Residual stress distribution of 2219 aluminum alloy ring parts during quenching process and subsequent bulging process was simulated by ABAQUS finite element software, and the influence of bulging amount on reduction of quenching residual stress was studied. The results show that after quenching, the radiat stress of the ring is compressive stress of about -106 MPa on the outside of upper and lower side, while the stress at the core is small. Both the circumferential stress and the axial stress are distributed as compressive stress on the outside and as tensile stress at the core. The bulging has a significant reduction effect on radial stress, circumferential stress and axial stress of the ring. When the bulging amount increases in the range of 0.25%-4.00%, the residual stress of the ring decreases, the reduction rates of both the circumferential stress and the axial stress increase and tend to a fixed value, and the reduction rate of the circumferential stress increases faster than that of the axial stress. When the bulging amount is less than 3%, the reduction rate of circumferential stress is greater than that of axial stress; when the bulging amount is greater than 3%, the reduction rate of circumferential stress is slightly smaller than that of axial stress; when the bulging amount is greater than 2%, the average reduction rate of the circumferential stress and the axial stress is greater than 80%, which indicates that the residual stress of ring after quenching is well reduced.
    Experimental study on improving carburizing and quenching hardness of gear made of 20Cr2Ni4A steel
    Zhao Shaofu, Xu Hongxiang, Wang Hongwei, Guo Jingqiang, Li Ziyan, Chen Yan
    2021, 46(7):  120-125.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.07.023
    Abstract ( 67 )   PDF (616KB) ( 30 )  
    In view of the insufficient hardness of large gears made of 20Cr2Ni4A steel after carburizing and quenching but not allowing refrigerating treatment, the hardness of the gear is increased by more than 2 HRC to 58-61 HRC free of refrigerating treatment, through the optimization of carburizing and quenching carbon potential, intermediate high temperature tempering process and quenching temperature, meantime, the good microstructure is obtained. It is found that in order to improve the surface and subsurface hardness, the carbon potential should be increased as high as possible under the premise that the carbides do not exceed the standard, when the steel is hardened by reheating after carburizing and high temperature tempering. Repeated tests show that the intermediate high temperature tempering can also reduce the carbon content in a certain depth of the carburized layer, which can affect the carburizing and quenching hardness. Therefore, both insufficient tempering and over tempering should be prevented, especially the latter. If the tempering times are too many and the each time is too long, the hardness will be lower after quenching.
    Effect of aging on microstructure and properties of hot-spunTC11 titanium alloy
    Bai Lu, Zhang Xiaojuan, Zhou Zhongping, Ni Linyu, Zhou Yindi , Min Yong'an
    2021, 46(7):  126-130.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.07.024
    Abstract ( 62 )   PDF (624KB) ( 24 )  
    Effect of aging on microstructure and mechanical properties of double annealed TC11 titanium alloy after hot spinning was studied by means of optical microscope, transmission electron microscope, X-ray diffractometer and tensile testing machine, and the optimal aging temperature range was determined. The results show that the tensile strength and hardness of the alloy after hot spinning are increased by 17% and by about 8 HRC compared with those before. After aging at 560 ℃ for 3 h, the tensile strength is increased from 1195 MPa to 1240 MPa, and the hardness is increased by about 1 HRC, the comprehensive mechanical properties and hardness are further improved. Both hot spinning and aging can promote the transition from soft and ductile phase β to strengthening phase α. The tensile strength is all higher than 1200 MPa at 300-600 ℃, and the maximum tensile strength is 1242 MPa at 580 ℃. With the increase of temperature, the elongation decreases continually and becomes less than 8% above 580 ℃. The thermodynamic calculation results show that the transition tendency of β phase to α phase is the greatest in the temperature range of 500-560 ℃, so is the most suitable temperature range of aging.
    Influence of heat treatment process on microstructure and properties of a new type antibacterial tool steel
    Duan Wenfeng, Shi Quanqiang, Li Jihui, Shen Zhuo, Zhang Fan, Shen Minggang, Shan Yiyin
    2021, 46(7):  131-139.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.07.025
    Abstract ( 46 )   PDF (613KB) ( 26 )  
    Microstructure and mechanical properties of 50Cr15MoV antibacterial stainless steel with Cu contained were studied by using optical microscope (OM), scanning electron microscope (SEM), transmission electron microscope (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Vickers hardness tester. The results show that the hardness of the tested steel increases initially and then decreases with the increase of normalizing temperature; whereas the hardness gradually decreases with the increase of tempering temperature. Besides, after aged at 500 ℃ for 30 min, Cu-rich particles precipitate out so resulting in a good antibacterial performance of the steel. The optimum heat treatments are correspondingly determined as normalizing at 1050 ℃ for 30 min and oil cooling, then tempering at 200 ℃ for 90 min and air cooling, lastly aging at 500 ℃ for 30 min then air cooling.
    Effect of low-temperature stress relief annealing on corrosion resistance of 316L stainless steel cold stamping corrugated plate for plate heat exchanger
    Shi Wei, E Xin, Wang Yanlong , Liu Limei, Yong Hongtuanhua, Zhang Ping
    2021, 46(7):  140-143.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.07.026
    Abstract ( 51 )   PDF (612KB) ( 23 )  
    Effect of stress relief annealing on corrosion resistance of the 316L stainless steel cold stamping corrugated plate for plate heat exchanger was studied by means of martensite content detection, XRD phase analysis and electrochemical test.The results show that with the increase of stress relief annealing temperature, the continuous transformation from residual austenite to martensite is caused by the cooperative deformation of austenite and strain induced martensite in the 316L stainless steel cold stamping corrugated plate, resulting that the content of martensite is increased and the martensite transforms to tempered martensite, the self-corrosion potential becomes more negative and the corrosion resistance becomes worse.
    Effect of microwave quenching on gradient structure and properties oflow-alloyed ship plate steel
    Wu Xu, Huang Xi, Wang Zemin, Wang Zhanyong
    2021, 46(7):  144-148.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.07.027
    Abstract ( 51 )   PDF (616KB) ( 24 )  
    Ship plate steel with gradient structure was prepared by forming temperature gradient in its thickness direction using microwave quenching and cold rolling processes, and the effect of microwave quenching holding time on microstructure and properties of the steel was studied by means of optical microscope (OM), scanning electron microscope (SEM), hardness test and tensile test. The results show that with the increase of microwave quenching holding time, the microstructure and hardness gradients of the tested steel are deepened, and the tensile strength is also significantly increased. After microwave quenching for 10 min and cold rolling, the hardness difference between the surface and the core of the tested steel is 126.6 HV0.1 as the largest, and compared with that of the traditional quenching process, the tensile strength is increased by 57%, which is 1218 MPa. The tensile fracture morphology of the tested steel is composed of dense and fine dimples with uniform distribution, which is beneficial to improve the resistance to tensile deformation of the material.
    Effect of stabilization treatment on second phase and properties of347H stainless steel
    Liu Tianzeng, Wang Ke, Cheng Anzhong, Li Hongliang
    2021, 46(7):  149-154.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.07.028
    Abstract ( 76 )   PDF (617KB) ( 32 )  
    Phase diagram of the 347H stainless steel was simulated by JMatPro software, and the effect of stabilization temperature on second phase, mechanical properties and corrosion resistance were analyzed. The results show that the second phase of the 347H steel during solidification is mainly NbN, Nb(C,N), M23C6, σ phase and Z phase. The second phase after solid solution at 1140 ℃ is mainly Nb (C, N) and a small amount of NbN and M23C6, with the size of about 0.5 μm.After stabilization at 800-1000 ℃, the grain size of the steel plate changes little with the increase of stabilization temperature,and the grain size is 7.5 grade. With the increase of stabilization temperature, the size of the second phase grows significantly to over 5 μm, and EDS analysis shows that NbC is the main secondary phase. The yield strength of the 347H steel stabilized at 800 ℃ and 850 ℃ is higher, and the tensile strength changes little with the increase of stabilizing temperature. The corrosion rate of the stabilized steel is lower than that of the solid solution state, and the intergranular corrosion resistance of the 347H steel is improved.
    Effect of solution and aging treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti-5.43Al-3.11Mo-1.41V titanium alloy
    Chen Hao, Hou Yuehong, Zhang Xi, Wei Ya, Yang Yi, Wu Songquan, Li Geping, Liang Enquan, Huang Aijun
    2021, 46(7):  155-159.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.07.029
    Abstract ( 47 )   PDF (617KB) ( 21 )  
    Effect of solution temperature on microstructure, element distribution, hardness and compression properties of the BT14 titanium alloy (Ti-5.43Al-3.11Mo-1.41V) under different temperature solution and aging treatment was studied. The results show that after solid solution below the β phase transition temperature, the volume fraction of primary α phase in the alloy decreases as the solution temperature increases, both the Al content in primary α phase and matrix phase (α′, α″, metastable β phase) increase, while the Mo and V contents decrease, meanwhile, the microhardness increases. After solution treatment at 890, 940, 990 ℃, respectively, and then all aging at 540 ℃ for 6 h, the matrix phase of the alloy decomposes into fine α+β phases, which result in the microhardness increasing, moreover, the microhardness and compressive yield strength increase as the solution temperature increases.
    Effect of solution temperature on microstructure and mechanical properties of ultra-high strength steel G33
    Xiong Jinsheng, Ning Jing, Su Jie, Jiang Qingwei
    2021, 46(7):  160-164.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.07.030
    Abstract ( 59 )   PDF (620KB) ( 25 )  
    Effect of solution treatment temperature on microstructure and properties of a ultra-high strength steel G33 was investigated by means of optical microscope, scanning electron microscope and physicochemical phase analysis. The results show that the undissolved phase of M6C, VC and NbN exist in the lath martensite matrix of the G33 steel after solution treating at 860 ℃, in which, M6C is dominant. With the increase of solution temperature, the undissolved phase is dissolved rapidly, VC and M6C phases are dissolved completely at 940 ℃ and 980 ℃, respectively. Due to the dissolving of M6C and VC phases, the microcrack is difficult to initiate for lack of nucleation sites. Meanwhile, the solid solution amount of alloy elements in the substrate is increased, which enhances the solid solution strengthening effect and improves the impact property of the tested steel while maintaining the high strength (grade of 2000 MPa).
    Effect of multistage solution and aging treatment on microstructure and properties of 7××× series ultra-high strength cold extruded aluminum alloy
    Zhang Keren, Xu Xiaojing, Zhang Jie
    2021, 46(7):  165-167.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.07.031
    Abstract ( 60 )   PDF (612KB) ( 23 )  
    Through the multistage solution and aging treatment of an ultra-high strength 7××× series aluminum alloy, it is found that with the increase of solution temperature and aging time, the mechanical properties of the alloy are significantly improved and then decreased. The results show that the optimum multistage solution process is solution treated at 450 ℃ for 2 h, 460 ℃ for 2 h, 470 ℃ for 2 h, 480 ℃ for 2 h, then water cooling and aging at 121 ℃ for 12 h, the alloy can obtain better mechanical properties and better matching of strength, hardness and plasticity.
    Effect of cryogenic treatment on microstructure and wear resistance of alloy cast iron
    Hu Wenxiang, Li Jianxin, Shi Zhengliang, Xu Jia, Guan Yunqi, Ding Shaopeng
    2021, 46(7):  168-172.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.07.032
    Abstract ( 57 )   PDF (620KB) ( 21 )  
    Effect of cryogenic treatment on microstructure and wear resistance of an alloy cast iron after quenching and tempering was studied by means of OM, SEM, XRD and friction test. The results show that the graphite morphology of the alloy cast iron before and after cryogenic treatment is mainly type A, and the grade is 5. After the cryogenic treatment, ultrafine carbides are precipitated on the martensite grain boundary, and the volume fraction of retained austenite is reduced from 19.6% to 14.8%, which increases the hardness of the alloy cast iron by 3 HRC. The average thermal expansion coefficient of the alloy cast iron at 25-100 ℃ is reduced from 13.34×10-6 K-1 to 10.97×10-6 K-1, and with the increase of temperature, the performance stability of the material is better. Under the conditions of same working and oil lubrication, the wear volume and friction coefficient of the cryogenic treated alloy cast iron are smaller than that without the treatment.
    Influence of aging treatment on hardening response and intergranular corrosion of 7A20 aluminum alloy
    Wang Shan, Wang Shuhui, Liu Wenwen, Teng Dunbo, Zhang Riqiang, Wang Xuqiang, Xiang Kangning
    2021, 46(7):  173-177.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.07.033
    Abstract ( 56 )   PDF (617KB) ( 21 )  
    Influence of natural aging(NA) on artificial aging hardening behavior of the 7A20 aluminum alloy was investigated. The Vickers hardness and mechanical properties were tested. The microstructure evolution was characterized by means of OM, SEM and TEM. The results indicate that the specimens after solution treatment have obvious natural aging effect during the natural placed process. The softening effect is observed during the artificial aging treatment after NA for 3 days(NA3) and 8 days(NA8) and the micro-hardness decreases 25.3% and 22.7% respectively after 2 h AA treatment. The grain size has no obvious difference after different heat treatments, while the inner grain structure has obvious difference. PFZ zone with about 20 nm width exists at grain boundaries of all the specimens after heat treatment. The fraction of the rod-like precipitation phase in crystals of the specimens of NA3+160 ℃×40 h and NA8+160 ℃×40 h is increased. The specimen under artificial aging directly after solution treatment has the best resistance to intergranular corrosion, its corrosion depth is 80-120 μm, while the specimens of NA3+160 ℃×40 h and NA8+160 ℃×40 h have the intergranular corrosion depth of 100-140 μm and 120-160 μm, respectively, and have obviously peeled off phenomenon.
    Effect of heat treatment and cooling process on microstructure and properties of bainitic steel tie-rods
    Li Mengge, Cheng Juqiang, Yin Sibo
    2021, 46(7):  178-181.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.07.034
    Abstract ( 52 )   PDF (621KB) ( 22 )  
    The effects of heat treatment and cooling process on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the bainitic steel tie-rod with 70 mm in diameter were studied. The results show that the structure of the rod is bainite ferrite and residual austenite when heated at 920 ℃ and air cooled, and then tempered at 300 ℃, or heated at 920 ℃, water cooled for 30 s and air cooled, and then tempered at 300 ℃. The structure of the rod body is tempered lath martensite and retained austenite when heated at 920 ℃, water cooled and then tempered at 200 ℃. At half radius of the bar after water cooling at 920 ℃ and tempering at 200 ℃, Rm is 1513 MPa, KV2 is 73.2 J, hardness is 46.5 HRC; after water-cooling for 30 s and air cooling at 920 ℃ and tempering at 300 ℃, Rm is 1254 MPa, KV2 is 76.0 J, hardness is 42.0 HRC; after air cooling at 920 ℃ and tempering at 300 ℃, Rm is 1226 MPa, KV2 is 75.5 J and hardness is 41.9 HRC. When the ø70 mm bainitic steel tie rod is actually normalized, the impact toughness can be improved by water-cooling before air-cooling.
    Production process of Q960E high strength and high toughness steel
    Li Canming
    2021, 46(7):  182-186.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.07.035
    Abstract ( 58 )   PDF (626KB) ( 22 )  
    Microstructure and mechanical properties of the Q960E steel plate after quenching and different tempering processes were studied in detail through the determination of phase transformation point and static CCT curve by using the design idea of low and medium carbon,multi-alloyed by Nb, V, Cr, Mo, Cu, Ni and other trace elements alloying composition. The results show that when the cooling rate is 0.1-1 ℃/s, the microstructure is mainly ferrite + granular bainite. With the increase of cooling rate, the transformation of ferrite is restrained and gradually transforms to bainite and martensite. When cooling rate is greater than 10 ℃/s, microstructure is all martensite. After tempering at 150 ℃, 180 ℃ and 210 ℃,respectively, the strength of quenched steel plate increases with the tempering temperature, strength decreases continuously, the plasticity increases, the toughness increases first and then decreases. The comprehensive performance of the steel plate tempered at 180 ℃ is the best match, with yield strength of 1050 MPa, tensile strength of 1140 MPa, elongation after fracture of 11.0%, and KV2 at -40 ℃ above 60 J.
    Recovery heat treatment process of small deformed GH3230 alloy
    Zhang Yonglu, Ju Quan, Hu Man, Ma Huiping
    2021, 46(7):  187-190.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.07.036
    Abstract ( 53 )   PDF (612KB) ( 20 )  
    Microstructure and mechanical properties of the GH3230 alloy after recovery heat treatment at different temperatures under small deformation of 10% and 5% were analyzed and tested. The results show that the 10% cold-deformed alloy can be uniformly recrystallized after recovery heat treatment at 1120-1230 ℃, which is beneficial to fully release the residual stress and ensure that the mechanical properties of the alloy meet the requirements of the indexes. For the 5% cold deformed alloy, the residual stress can be released after recovery heat treatment at 1120-1160 ℃, meanwhile, the critical recrystallization and abnormal grain growth can be avoided, so that the microstructure stability and mechanical properties of the alloy can meet the requirements of the indexes.
    Experimental study of heat treatment process of cold heading steel self piercing rivets
    Su Min
    2021, 46(7):  191-194.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.07.037
    Abstract ( 56 )   PDF (617KB) ( 22 )  
    In order to test the hardness of the self piercing rivets made of the SWRCH35K cold heading steel, quenching and tempering heat treatment processes were carried out in a mesh belt continuous furnace. The results show that when the rivets are quenched by heating at 860 ℃ for 90 min and tempered at different temperatures in the range of(200-215) ℃ for 80 min after micro-carburizing at 900 ℃, the hardness value (≥ 530 HV1) can meet the technical requirements, and at the same time, the self piercing rivets keep sharp edge and good plasticity of matrix, with good riveting effect.
    Effect and mechanism of pulse frequency on thermal property of aluminum based plasma electrolytic oxidation coating
    Zhu Jianwei, Qi Shaobao, Li Guodong, Wang Zhijian, Ma Fei, Qi Tonghui, Li Zhijie, Li Guang, Xia Yuan
    2021, 46(7):  195-200.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.07.038
    Abstract ( 58 )   PDF (614KB) ( 22 )  
    A ceramic coating was prepared on the surface of ZL109 aluminum alloy by using plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) in silicate system. The effect and mechanism of different pulse frequencies on heat capacity and heat conductivity were studied by means of SEM, XRD, DSC and laser-flash apparatus (LFA). The results indicate that the changes in thermal properties of the coating are mainly influenced by microstructure and phase structure constituent which is mainly related to the pulse frequency. When the frequency is 200 Hz, PEO coating has a low heat conductivity of 0.113 W/(m·K).
    Theoretical analysis and experimental research on laser cladding trajectory for slender shaft
    Cui Lujun, Hao Chaojie, Guo Shirui, Zheng Bo, Cao Yanlong, Zeng Wenhan
    2021, 46(7):  201-206.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.07.039
    Abstract ( 63 )   PDF (673KB) ( 19 )  
    Laser cladding model for slender shaft was established by using ANSYS finite element analysis software based on spiral and raster scanning trajectories, and the temperature field under different cladding trajectories was simulated. The results show that this two kinds of cladding trajectory methods produce heat accumulation, and the spiral laser cladding method is relatively small, while the raster laser cladding method has higher temperature at the suface position of each pass. When using raster laser cladding method, the temperature curve at the center of the slender shaft shows an irregular zigzag upward trend, while the temperature rise trend at center is more obvious when using spiral laser cladding method. In addition, the process test results show that the surface quality of the coating obtained by spiral laser cladding method is relatively ideal, while overburning has occurred when using raster laser cladding method.
    Effect of plasma diffusion process on surface microstructure and magnetic properties of 316L stainless steel
    Luo Jiandong, Yang Yingyi, Lin Yuzhou
    2021, 46(7):  207-211.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.07.040
    Abstract ( 61 )   PDF (3818KB) ( 23 )  
    Surface hardening of the 316L stainless steel was treated by using the process of plasma nitriding (PN), plasma carburizing(PC) and plasma nitrocarburizing (PNC), respectively. Microstructure, microhardness and magnetic properties of the tested steel were analyzed by means of optical microscope (OM), X-ray diffractometer (XRD), electron probe microscopic analyzer (EPMA), microhardness tester and vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM), respectively. The results show that the expanded austenite phase can be obtained on the surface of 316L stainless steel treated by all the three processes of PC, PNC and PN, and the content of interstitial atoms increases gradually, the lattice expansion increases, which is 1.7%, 4.1% and 5.5%, respectively. The specimens treated by PNC and PN process can obtain thicker infiltrated layer and higher surface hardness, which is about 4.5 times of the substrate. In addition, the specimens treated by PN process show ferromagnetism, while the specimens treated by PC and PNC process show weak magnetism, which are consistent with the prior austenitic stainless steel. Compared with PNC process, the specimens treated by PN process exhibit weaker interaction between Cr and N and slightly larger lattice expansion, but the ferromagnetism are significantly enhanced. The lattice expansion that induces the magnetic phase transition of the 316L stainless steel treated by plasma diffusion process is the primary factor, which makes the expanded austenite transform from paramagnetism to ferromagnetism. The lattice expansion increases the Fe-Fe atomic distance and reduces the overlap of 3d orbitals, which resuits in the increase of magnetic moment of Fe atoms, and the ferromagnetism is significantly enhanced. The critical value of lattice expansion that causes the magnetic phase transition is between 4.1% and 5.5%. The interaction between Cr and N of that is the secondary factor. The optimum non-magnetic strengthening process for 316L stainless steel is PNC process, the process parameters are as follows: temperature of 420 ℃, cathode voltage of 600 V, pressure of 200 Pa, atmosphere ratio of N2:H2:CH4=20:77:3, holding time of 6 h, at which the specimens can obtain a strengthened layer with large thickness, high hardness and weak magnetic properties.
    Construction and numerical simulation of BH compound carburizing control system
    Yi Huaqing, Liu Ke, Su Zhen, Yang Bing, Shu Bing, Luo Zixiang
    2021, 46(7):  212-217.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.07.041
    Abstract ( 57 )   PDF (599KB) ( 25 )  
    Through the reformation of the controllable atmosphere multi-purpose furnace by changing the unused ammonia gas pipeline to the BH carburizing pipeline and designing the control system of catalyst carburizing, the automatic control of the BH carburizing was realized. Then the 20Cr2Ni4A steel was subjected to super carburizing and BH carburizing at 930 ℃, and the carburizing kinetics of this two processes were studied and the distribution curves of carburized layer depth and carbon concentration were simulated. The results show that the carbon diffusion coefficient of BH carburizing is greater than that of super carburizing, and the diffusion coefficient of BH carburizing and super carburizing are 2.084×10-9 mm2·s-1 and 1.667×10-9 mm2·s-1, respectively. The simulation of carbon concentration distribution and the carburized layer depth of the 20Cr2Ni4A steel during BH carburizing and super carburizing at 930 ℃ are fitted with the actual experimental values. When actual carburizing to achieve the same thickness of carburizing layer, the time required for super carburizing time is higher than that of BH carburizing, and the carburizing rate of BH carburizing is increased by 22.6%.
    Crack analysis of T23/12Cr1MoV dissimilar steel welded joints during PWHT in the water-wall of USC boiler
    Yang Qingxu, Wang Xue, Ma Junpeng, Yang Chao
    2021, 46(7):  218-222.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.07.042
    Abstract ( 55 )   PDF (599KB) ( 22 )  
    Macro and micro morphologies of cracks occurring in T23/12Cr1MoV dissimilar steel welded joint (DSWJ) during PWHT were analyzed, the microstructure and fracture morphology of the DSWJ were observed, and the hardness distribution across the DSWJ was tested. Based on the experimental results, the types and causes of cracks were discussed, and the measures to prevent cracks were proposed. The results show that the crack initiates at the weld toe of T23 steel side, then propagates along the grain boundaries of its coarse grain heat-affected zone (CGHAZ), which exhibit the characteristics of reheat crack. After PWHT, the hardness of HAZs on both sides of the WM in DSWJ obviously decreases. The formation of reheat crack is related to the precipitation of carbides at grain boundary which promotes the formation of pores in the CGHAZ of T23 steel side during tempering. Before PWHT an intermediate heat treatment performed at 550 ℃ for 1 h is beneficial to suppress reheat crack.
    Life assessment of 12Cr1MoV steel for high temperature superheater after long-term service
    Song Yu, Guo Yan, Li Penggang, Yang Wentao
    2021, 46(7):  223-228.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.07.043
    Abstract ( 62 )   PDF (657KB) ( 28 )  
    Microstructure, chemical composition and mechanical properties of the 12Cr1MoV steel sampled from the high temperature superheater after long-term service were analyzed by means of metallographic observation, scanning electron microscope, hardness and tensile property tests. The results show that after long-term service at high temperature, some sampling tubes have seriously degraded microstructure, with the grade of pearlite spheroidization being 4.5, the carbides being clustered in chains, and have creep holes and intergranular cracks. And the more serious the microstructure deterioration is, the lower the hardness and the tensile strength are, and the worse the comprehensive mechanical properties are. On the other hand, the thickness of inner oxide layer has nothing to do with the degree of microstructure deterioration. The equivalent temperature of the sampling tubes during operation is close to the upper limit temperature stipulated by the material, and the residual creep life of the sampling tubes is more than 40 000 h.
    Fracture cause analysis of W6Mo5Cr4V2Al high speed steel twist drill
    Song Quan, Dan Ting, Li Xiaoguang, Gao Mingsen, Cao Huihui
    2021, 46(7):  229-232.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.07.044
    Abstract ( 50 )   PDF (603KB) ( 25 )  
    Fracture causes of W6Mo5Cr4V2Al high speed steel (HSS) twist drill were studied by means of chemical composition examination, OM, SEM and EDS. The results show that the overheating and overburning of the twist drill caused in the heat treatment processes lead to grain boundary melting, eutectic ledeburite and a large number of reticulated carbides in the matrix, and high tensile stress formed on the drill surface in the cooling process leads to intergranular crack to appear when the stress is higher than the fracture strength of the material, finally the action of external force in the subsequent correction process causes the fracture of the drill.
    Effect of nitrogen-methanol atmosphere on hydrogen-induced fracture of45CrNiMoVA high strength steel
    Jia Dongsheng, Hong Zhenjun, Wang Xiaohai, Wang Maoqiu, Mao Lu, Zhang Ruijun
    2021, 46(7):  233-237.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.07.045
    Abstract ( 64 )   PDF (595KB) ( 24 )  
    A fractured high-strength torsion bar made of 45CrNiMoVA steel was analyzed by means of chemical composition analysis, fracture morphology analysis, microstructure analysis and mechanical property tests. The hydrogen content on the surface of the parts under nitrogen methanol protective atmosphere was measured, and the influence mechanism of hydrogen induced defects on torsion fatigue of the high-strength steel parts was discussed. The preventive measures to prevent hydrogen permeation were put forward and verified by experiments. The results show that the heating of high strength steel in nitrogen-methanol protective atmosphere can lead to hydrogen invasion and hydrogen embrittlement, which affects the torsional fatigue life of high strength steel parts. The surface oxidation decarburization can be effectively prevented by changing the nitrogen-methanol controlled atmosphere to nitrogen protection and applying the anti-decarburization coating on the spline parts artificially. No fracture occurs in the high-strength steel torsion bars by the improved processes.
    Cause analysis of cracks in bolt holes of cast steel wheel-mounted brake disc
    Lü Jing, Yang Qiquan, Zhang Qian, Hu Jie, Xu Xin
    2021, 46(7):  238-241.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.07.046
    Abstract ( 72 )   PDF (595KB) ( 27 )  
    The nature and causes of the cracks in bolt holes of a cast steel wheel-mounted brake disc were investigated by means of fracture macro and micro morphology observation, metallographic examination, tensile property test, impact property test and Brinell hardness test. The results show that the cracks are thermal fatigue cracks, and the casting defects such as shrinkage and porosity at the chamfer of the bolt hole and near the friction surface are the main reasons that cause the crack formation under the cyclic alternating thermal stress during braking process. The coarse dendritic structure reduces the strength, toughness and thermal fatigue properties of the brake disc, and accelerates the crack propagation.
    Fracture analysis of self sealing tension bolt of high pressure regulating valve
    Xie Zengxiao, Huang Yijun, Zhang Yufei, Lou Yumin, Pu Xianchao
    2021, 46(7):  242-248.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.07.047
    Abstract ( 54 )   PDF (599KB) ( 18 )  
    Fracture causes of two self sealing tension bolts of high pressure regulating valve were analyzed by means of macroscopic and microscopic observation, chemical composition analysis, mechanical property tests, and microstructure observation. The results show that the material of the two bolts is 1Cr11Co3W3NiMoVNbNB steel. The plasticity and toughness of one hurt bolt (No.91 in the text) can not meet the requirements. There is harmful Laves phase observed in the structure, which is prone to fracture by impact. There is an original crack at the root of second to third screw of the bolt ,and a pit like crack source at the root of the third to fourth screw of the another hurt bolt, which may initiate during service at high temperature. Both bolts are broken rapidly due to impact load while disassembled at room temperature.
    Fracture reason analysis and improvement measures of binaural plate screw
    Lin Wenqin, Lu Han, Xu Xinjie, Yang Yuanxi, Deng Feng, Wu Jiaxin
    2021, 46(7):  249-253.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.07.048
    Abstract ( 54 )   PDF (599KB) ( 23 )  
    Fracture occurred at the joint between the bracket and the rod during assembly of the binaural plate screw. The fracture morphologies and characteristics of the broken screw were analyzed and identified as overload fracture. According to the metallographical analysis, hardness test, tensile test, wedge load test, and simulated installation test performed on the same batch of the screws, the results show that the cause of the screw fracture is mainly related to the intensive streamline at the fracture position, while the mismatch of heat treatment system and the being cut off of the metal streamline promote the fracture. Improvement measures such as improving the cold heading process, adjusting the heat treatment process and optimizing the processing of the head (supporting plate) rod were put forward for the screw fracture reasons. The improvement has been verified as effective, and no same fracture occurs during the screw assembly manufactured by the new process.
    Analysis on cracking of 50CrV4 steel washer
    Ji Guoqiang, Ge Guiming, Yu Lijuan, Zhong Jizhi
    2021, 46(7):  254-257.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.07.049
    Abstract ( 60 )   PDF (598KB) ( 25 )  
    Appearance of fracture, metallurgical structure and chemical composition of the failed 50CrV4 washer were observed or tested by means of SEM, EDS, OM and spark direct reading spectrometer, respectively.The test results show that carbide segregation occurred due to the chemical composition segregation of washer raw materials causes local stress concentration. During quenching and cooling, intergranular cracks appear in the washer under the stress. During subsequent use, the cracks further expand under the action of external force and lead to the earlier failure.
    Design and application of a diversion structure for high precision plate aging furnace
    Gao Yufeng, Gao Ruchao
    2021, 46(7):  258-260.  doi:10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2021.07.050
    Abstract ( 54 )   PDF (599KB) ( 22 )  
    In order to meet the temperature uniformity requirements of a high precision plate aging furnace, a diversion structure was added, of which the structure parameters were optimized by numerical simulation method, and then the temperature uniformity test of the aging furnace was carried out on the basis of the simulation results. The results show that using the optimized diversion structure can improve the temperature uniformity of the aging furnace within ±1.5 ℃, and the simulation results is consistent with the measurement result showing that reasonable setting diversion structure can achieve the requirements of the temperature uniformity of the aging furnace.